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Taehyung rush down from his room at the constant shout of his name. His father has been screaming his name like a frustrated man that Taehyung thinks he is.

His half siblings were already settled in the living room

"Why are you still not ready? It's 8am in the morning" His father asked shooting him a glare

"My shift is not until 3"

His father gave him a long stare like he wants to say more but sigh instead turning to face a lady Taehyung didn't even notice was there before.

"This is Mrs Cheng" His father starts pointing to a short blonde lady that was smiling at them. "She's an omega educater, worldwide if I may add" his father continued proudly

"Mrs cheng this Aera, Jihu, Yujun and Taehyung my last child"

They all bowed in greeting.
The women exclaimed "wow they're really beautiful" Are eyes linger on him and Taehyung looks away.

Getting compliments on his looks was not something new, even though he spents half his life in his father's Restaurant kitchen watching plates

"Mrs cheng here offered to help with your situations"

"What situations?" Aera asked for them

"Your inability to attract a mate" His father said so easily probably cause it's his second nature, shouting about them finding mates.

Taehyung just stares at his father like he grew a second head, he will never understand how this man thinks, its ridiculous.

"Anyways Mrs Cheng here has helped a lot of omegas throughout the country so be grateful she decided to help."

Taehyung pressed his lips together to stop his mouth from saying something that will dig a deeper hole than he's in already

"And what is she supposed to teach? " Jihu asked this time

"How to carry your self and attract mates" Mrs cheng answered this time with all seriousness.

Taehyung wants to laugh so badly, this is beyond ridiculous.

"Your father told me how the four of you have not been able to attract an alpha that's willing to be more, like go beyond courting oh like you young kids call it these days, boyfriend"

Taehyung couldn't help the snort he let out, his father turn to glare at him. Taehyung clears his throat, suppressing the laugh he's been holding for far too long.

He mumbled a quiet "excuse me" Successful turning eyes away from him.

"Like I was saying this is the first time we're reaching small towns. We're trying to get to everyone who really needs help here. Classes start in a week, and it's running for two months, this is a one time opportunity, take it serious and before the end of this year, you all will be mated"

His father seems to buy everything she's selling. He wants to roll his eyes so bad.

"Thank you so much Mrs Cheng, it means a lot that you took your time to to come here, I can assure you everything will be paid for before the class starts"

The woman nods saying more bullshit before she finally left.

"Appa you do know that woman is just lying to take your money"

"Shut up Taehyung, if all of you weren't so useless I won't resort to this be grateful I'm doing this for you" His father said picking his bag and leaving for work.

His father own a restaurant in the heart of Dong-gu a district in the northeastern part of Daegu, it was a popular restaurant. Taehyung and the rest of his siblings works there.

Taehyung turn back to head for his room not wanting any confrontation this morning

When has he ever gotten what he wanted

"Go get ready and go to the restaurant Taehyung" Aera said from where she's sitting.

Not again

Taehyung turned around to face her with a frown "My shifts starts 3"

"Dont care, I have to meet up with someone so I can't go in early"

"Well I care cause it involves me"

Aera glares at him. "Just do as you're told"

Taehyung returns her glare. They never get along and Taehyung stopped letting them step on him a long time ago.

"Not in this case"

"What the hell is your problem?" Aera stood up still glaring at him.

"My problem is you always leaving your duty for me, you can't keep moving my shift noona, if you have a problem with your shift take it up with father, I don't make the roster"

"I have important thing to take care of what part of it flew pass your empty brain"

"Everything except the part that has to do with me, I don't care if you're meeting with the president of this country, that's your business, stop getting me involve in it" Taehyung can already feel his body vibrating

"Can you both stop? my head aches" Jihu said dropping himself on one of the old worn out sofa in their living room. "It's too early for this" He mumbles like they haven't fought at 4am before

"Shut it Jihu and you-"

"What now?" His step mother's voice booms from the corridor.

Years ago Taehyung would cower at her voice, did everything with no question but after years of beating, slaps, insults he's grown a thick skin.

They don't scare him not anymore

He's what anybody will describe as stubborn, really stubborn. Taehyung never listens definitely not to people who hates him

He use to be really gentle, scared of fights, argument but honestly years of experience has taught him nothing but to fight back

"Can you imagine this idiot, I told him to take my shift this morning cause I've got important meeting and he's here arguing with me"

His step mom only turned to glare offcourse she'll always side with them

"I took morning the whole of last week, actually I've been doing morning shifts all the time now cause you all rejected it for me"

Taehyung prefers afternoon shift, he begs for it, he hates waking up so early to go to the restaurant.

"I covered up for you last week
and now you want to make it a thing? Not happening, if you drag me down there I'll drag myself back here"

He won't let it become a thing

Taehyung didn't wait for any response, he ran straight to the small room that has been his room for years. He locked his door dropping himself on the small mattress on the floor.

They can all do their worst he doesn't care.


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