Chapter 1: Calamari County

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The late-night train opened opened its doors and I took my first steps out. I was back in my hometown of Calamari County. It's been a long time since I last set foot here. Seems like very little has changed. I was wearing my disguise. I didn't want anyone recognizing me just as my vacation was getting started. I waited at the station for my parents. Luckily, they knew about my disguise even if they didn't know about the secret Callie and I shared. I sent a text to Callie letting her know I made it to Calamari County.

A car pulled up and the occupants waved at me. I waved back as I approached. Looks like my ride is here. I loaded my luggage in the trunk, opened the back door and went inside. They then drove off towards our house.

"Marie! It's great to see you again!" My mother exclaimed.

"How have you and Callie been in Inkopolis?" My father asked.

"We're doing great. We've become really popular. Callie's been getting a lot of movie roles while I have my own talk show now." I replied. Truthfully, I didn't really know how Callie was doing. I haven't spoken with her in a long time. That was going to change tomorrow.

"I'm proud of you Marie. So, why wasn't Callie able to come today?" My dad asked.

"Callie is pretty busy. She has an important appointment pretty late tonight but she's going to meet me at the station tomorrow." I answered.

The ride back home was very short. The train station wasn't very far from my old neighborhood. It's been years and Calamari County looks like it barely changed. We pulled up to the driveway and got out. My dad took my luggage and carried it inside. I went inside to check out my childhood home. It was just like how I remembered it. All the familiar rooms and furniture brought back old memories. I went to upstairs and found our bedroom. The room itself was extremely clean with two separate beds. My parents certainly made sure I would be comfortable.

"Let me know if you need anything." My mom said while my dad brought my luggage into the room.

"Thanks." I replied to both my parents. I laid on my bed somewhat exhausted. I closed my eyes. This was the beginning of a relaxing vacation. Tomorrow I will meet Callie. I drifted off to sleep.

I got up so early in the morning the sun hadn't even risen yet. Usually, I wouldn't be up so early, but Callie was an early bird. Very likely she would be on the first train. I took one my parent's cars out and drove to the train station. My parents already knew I would be spending the day with Callie so it wouldn't surprise them too much if they found out one of their cars was gone the whole day. Once I was at the station I waited in the car. I stopped next to the station platform so I could see who comes out. I pulled out my phone and began to text Callie.

Hey Callie! I am waiting for you at the train station in Calamari County. Hope to see you soon.

The first train came, and the doors opened. I looked around for Callie. I was expecting to see her wearing some kind of disguise similar to our agent outfits. Only a few people came out and I couldn't see Callie anywhere. I sent another text to Callie.

I thought you were an early bird. Are you still sleeping?

It was still early. Callie may be coming on a later train. I waited till noon. Did Callie forget to get on the train or something? I sent another text.

Callie where are you? I thought you would've been on the first five trains of the day.

I was starting to get worried. Callie should be up by now. Something clearly wasn't right, but I decided to continue waiting. After a few more hours I wrote another message.

Is everything okay? You haven't replied to any of my messages.

After sending that one. I waited anxiously for a reply. It never came. The day dragged on and the sun was going down. I was extremely patient but even that was nearing its end. I frantically sent another message.

Callie I've been waiting for you at the station all day. Where are you? They're going to close soon.

The final train of the day came, and I prayed Callie would be on it. Not many people took the late-night train, but I didn't see Callie anywhere. My heart sank as I wrote another message.

Callie, the station is closed. I am going to come back to our apartment tomorrow.

I drove back home. I needed to get back to Inkopolis as soon as possible. My parents greeted me when I got back.

"Hello kids!" my dad yelled from another room.

I had to shout for him to hear me. "Dad! Something's wrong! Callie wasn't at the train station! I need to go back to Inkopolis first thing tomorrow morning!"

My dad came over with concern. "So, she didn't show up? What do you think happened to her?"

"I don't know. I want to head back to Inkopolis first thing tomorrow morning and look for her at our apartment. Hopefully she's fine." I answered.

"I understand." My dad replied.

"Thanks dad. I better get ready." A part of me wished I could tell him about being a secret agent but he would never approve. I went upstairs back to the bedroom. On the way, I noticed my mom was already asleep.

As I entered the bedroom. I thought back to what it was like when Callie first moved into the house.

It was years ago. Neither of us had the ability to shift into our inkling form yet. There was a knock on the door and a police officer was standing outside holding a pink squid.

"This is the police. Don't worry, you're not in trouble. I'm here to deliver some bad news. It's about your sister and your brother-in-law." The police officer explained.

My mom let Callie come in while my dad continued talking with the police officer. Callie and I crawled upstairs still stuck in our squid forms. That was the day Callie came to live with us.

I woke up at around the same time. My dad also woke up early so he could drive me to the train station. I bought a ticket back to Inkopolis and boarded the first train back to the city. I took a taxi back to the apartment and tried to find Callie, but she wasn't there. Normally her room would be a mess and I would clean it up, but it looked like it hadn't been touched. It was like Callie never made it back to the apartment last night. I started to panic there was no way something happened to her right?

I went into the sewers. I wanted to check on the secret passages the members of the New Squidbeak Splatoon would use to get to our secret sites like Octovalley. I could hear people talking above me as I traveled through the underground passages.

"Did you hear? The Great Zapfish has disappeared." One person said.

"Really? Didn't this happen years ago?" Another replied.

The Great Zapfish disappeared again? I knew I needed to check on Octovalley right away. I began to sprint in that direction. When I arrived at Octovalley there was nobody there. Octavio's snow globe had been shattered and he escaped. Grandpa and Agent 3 were nowhere to be seen. I pulled out my phone.

Callie where are you? You haven't answered any of my calls or messages and I can't find you anywhere. Octavio has escaped from his prison and the Great Zapfish is missing again.

I stood there for a few minutes hoping Callie would respond but it was clear I was alone. I was the only agent who knew what had happened. I sent Callie one last text just in case she needed to know where to find me.

Callie I need you. Grandpa and Agent 3 are no where to be seen and I can't save the Great Zapfish by myself. If you are out there. Please find me at Cuttlefish Cabin.

I went back through the secret sewer passages to the apartment. I needed to come up with some kind of plan before I kicked down the Octarian's front door.

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