Chapter 3: Agent 4 in Training

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"Arrg!" I could hear Agent 4 screaming as I sat in the cabin watching him miss the stationary targets. I know they say slow and steady wins the race, but geez... he hasn't even gone into the first base. It's almost night time. I had one last idea that might help develop Agent 4's skills but I would have to do it before the Square closes for the night.

I approached Agent 4 and put a hand on his shoulder. "You know... experience is a great teacher. Maybe you should start with something else?"

Agent 4 was puzzled. "If I can't even destroy these targets what chance am I gonna have on the battlefield?"

"Just trust me. Playing turf war is the best way to practice. Come on. We'll play a round together." I started walking to the pipe that leads to Inkopolis Square. Agent 4 was following behind.

When we emerged from the pipe I was wearing my Agent 2 disguise while Agent 4 was no longer in his hero suit. We walked to Deca tower together and prepared to play turf war. I chose to bring a scoped E-liter. Agent 4 was using his starter weapon, a Splattershot Jr. Hopefully we would be on the same team. Agent 4 and I were shot upwards into the tower to spawn into the stage.

I opened my eyes to find myself in squid form. I was on a platform at the top of a tower. I recognized this place immediately. It was Moray Towers. My team switched into our inkling forms and I noticed Agent 4 wasn't with me. He had been moved to the other team. My plan to protect him so he could learn had already fallen apart. I had to come up with something else quickly.

The round began and I made my way towards the center as quickly as I could. I got to my sniping perch on the last platform before the center. I set up one ink mine on the ramp to my right to cover that area and another to my left if someone tried to flank me. I then took aim as both sides charged in for the first wave.

I fired a shot that splatted the opposing team's tri slosher wielder. My teammates grouped up and tried to push past the center but were shot down by a mini splatling. It was just me. I splatted the mini splatling but heard one of my ink mines explode. It was an ink brush user. For some reason Agent 4 was no where to be seen. Regardless I pulled back knowing I had lost my range advantage. I stopped half way up the ramp and charged a shot. Then I fired which splatted the ink brush user. These players were good. I barely managed to hold the line.

I knew Agent 4 was still out there somewhere. I returned to my sniping position and spotted him. He was on the other side of the stage covering his base with ink so he couldn't help his teammates push forward. The rest of my teammates arrived and charged forward again. This time spreading out to cover more ground. The battle was still too far away for me to make a meaningful contribution so I just watched Agent 4. He turned the corner and was surprised by one of my teammates who crushed him with a roller. Slowly my team pushed their way forward yet they had a lot of trouble whenever they ran into members of the opposing team. It became more of a stalemate with my team having a slight advantage. I noticed Agent 4 becoming more aggressive but he also had a tendency to run out of ink in bad situations.

There was only one minute left in the match. This time the opposing team all pushed together. I shot down their mini splatling user first but I was surprised by their tri slosher user who ambushed me from my left side. The ink mine I had placed at the start of the match caught her but it wasn't enough. I quickly turned to face her but the ink brush user approached me from behind and splatted me. Only a few seconds were left. Suddenly my team returned and they pushed back the opposing team. Agent 4 was splatted instantly as my teammates took over the center. Then the match ended. My team had won.

After the match both sides left Deca tower. I quickly met up with Agent 4. "Hey! You did great out there!" I called to him.

"I did?" Agent 4 replied.

"Yeah for your first time. You did extremely well." I answered.

"But I lost. I didn't even splat anyone." Agent 4 said.

"But you stayed focus on the objective. They were just more experienced. Just keep playing and you'll get better." I advised. I knew this wasn't getting us any closer to finding Callie or the Great Zapfish but I needed to make sure Agent 4 was prepared.

"I better get going. It's getting late." Agent 4 said.

"You got a place to stay?" I asked a little curious about where he's going.

"I'm staying at a hotel for a few days. Anyway, I'll see you at the cabin tomorrow." Agent 4 waved goodbye and ran off at top speed. The way he ran off seemed odd. Somehow, I felt there was something he didn't want to tell me. I brushed it off and went back to my apartment to get some sleep.

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