Quick Note from the Author

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Hey everyone. I hope you're enjoying this story so far. I am actually taking a break from Splatoon for now. I've been getting interested in other fandoms. Originally, I wanted to finish this whole story before the planned release of Splatoon 3 however as the deadline got closer, I realized that was likely not going to happen. That combined with me being busy at an internship meant there wasn't a lot of time to work on this story.

The plan fell apart pretty quickly and now I want to step away from this story for now. Leave it on hold and return to it when I return to the Splatoon fandom. This story feels like it's putting unnecessary pressure on me.

I am going to continue writing on Wattpad but it's going to be a completely different story for a completely different fandom that doesn't make me feel like I have to rush to get the chapters out. Hope you all understand. Thank you for supporting me up until this point.

When I finally do decide to return to this story. The first thing I plan to do is delete this quick note. When this chapter is gone. You'll know I've decided to make a long-term commitment to this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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