❝What a way to start the morning ❞ ✧ ೃ༄

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  The first ray of Sunshine made its way to the grounds of Tokyo

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The first ray of Sunshine made its way to the grounds of Tokyo. Birds sang their lovely melodies, as the wind blew softly and freely as if kissing the leaves of trees. Spring was on its way with a hint of freshness in the air.

The morning people were up and ready to go on their usual morning walks. Chatting with their partners or going solo. A certain pink haired male was driving around in his luxurious black Mercedes wandering where he should be having his morning coffee or he would probably be grumpy for the rest of the day.

He came to a halt when he saw an unfamiliar coffee shop which he swore he had never seen before in his entire years of living in Tokyo. Was he mistaken? Did he perhaps not notice?

Well nonetheless he decided to check it out. He got out of his car and checked the store from afar. It's not that fancy nor shabby looking, it had a vintage elegant look to it, just perfect for a morning coffee. The bell on top of the wooden door chimed as the blue-eyed male entered the vintage looking coffee shop what an off design for a cafe, he thought to himself.

His ocean blue irises explored every nook and cranny of the peaceful looking shop. He noticed how there was barely anyone in the shop except two young ladies sitting in the counter. One of them was in the back using her phone and the other was reading a magazine on hand. "Did they not notice my presence ?" He let out a cough to catch one of their attention. But unfortunately the young lady a few metres away from him didn't hear his 'little cough' as she was listening to a song on her headphones.

The pink-haired male let out a frustrated sigh and stomped his way to the lady in the counter. He placed his hands on the table softly but was loud enough for the e/c coloured girl to look up from her magazine.

She gave him an apologetic look followed by a small smile, as she stood up from her seat and gave him a small bow before asking "Hello Sir, welcome to c/s (coffee shop name). How may I help you?"

He looked at her with disbelief clearly written all over his face. Well of course he was a bit disappointed because of the fact she didn't apologised for not noticing his presence for a minutes when he entered the shop. How childish of him.

"I've never seen this shop before, did you guys perhaps newly opened it?" The blue-eyed male started

"Yes sir, we newly opened this shop 3 days ago," the h/c coloured girl replied in a rather gloomy tone

"Hmm. Why the sad tone?" He asked

"Well uhh.....I don't know how i should put this, but we haven't been getting a lot of customers. Only 4 since we opened."

"I see," was his only response before he checked the menu displayed near the counter.

"I would like one strong coffee with 2 sugar cubes."He stated and turned around to go sit on one of the chairs next to the big glass windows. He placed his hands on the table as he started thinking about his business lately.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 ⚘𝐇.𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮╰┈➤ Where stories live. Discover now