·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳An unexpected encounter ˖𓍯

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The car pulled over in a familiar alleyway

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The car pulled over in a familiar alleyway. "Okay we're here." the elderly man said stepping out of the car. "Well now hurry up you two we haven't got all day long." He added giving them a stern look.

"Be right there Ojisan." Miya stated looking towards her sister, she smiled at her genuinely. "Hey potato, stop with the gloomy expression and cheer up." The younger looked at her trying her best not to cry. She wiped away the tears that slightly rolled down around the corner of her eyes before opening the car door of her side.

As soon as the e/c coloured girl stepped out of the car her eyes widened. It was the same alleyway where their old house was located... something does not sit right here.

"Ojisan what are we doing here?" The raven-haired female asked looking around confused. "There's a cheap apartment around this area just perfect for the both of you." He replied making his way forward into the quiet neighborhood. The girls remained silent quietly following their uncle with their luggages.

They stepped forward and stopped infront of a very well known two-storey house. "Well girls this is it, you're on your own now. I hope you guys have a good future." The elderly man said making his way towards the steps when he stood frozen.

He felt warm hands pulling him into a side hug from both side as he realised both the sisters were hugging him from one side each. They stayed like that for awhile. "Thank you Ojisan, for all the things you have done for us, we don't know how we'll ever repay your kindness, it really means alot." The younger of the two stated while wiping her tears and looking downwards. The older remained silent looking towards her left while holding back her tears.

"C'mon girls don't be like this, i know it's hard for all of us, and I hope we get through this tough time together and i hope we'll meet again one day with smiles on our faces." He replied giving them a warm smile. It felt genuine and they could tell he didn't wanted something like this happen...but looks like it was destined to happen.

After they unpacked all their luggage and settled them inside their previous house that held a tragic event. They waved goodbye to their Ojisan as he entered his car and slowly started driving away.

Now they were once again back in Tokyo where they had spent their childhood. And for a certain h/c coloured girl would she go back to how her life was before? Would she meet him again? Would he remember her? Would their love story be completed?.....who knows.

"Hey sis, how long will it take you to be back home? I'm getting bored." The e/c coloured girl whined through the phone. Currently her sister Miya was working part-time at a convenience store. *Sigh*

"Ah yess, just a few more hours and I'll be back." She replied while looking at her wristwatch. It was currently 9:45pm. She let out another sigh. "I'll be back by 11." She retorted while ending the call.

At this the younger female had no choice but to spend a few more hours alone..and it was a Saturday night means movie night so, she didn't mind much and went to watch a newly released movie.

Everything was going well until 2 years later.

"Miya I'd like to have a talk with you." An elderly woman said while entering her office. "Okay Ma'am I'll be right there." The younger female replied.

"Unfortunately there has been some difficulties with work lately, so you'll have to resign within this week." At hearing what her manager just said the raven-haired female could not process the situation and kept quiet.

What? I'm being fired? What will I tell y/n about this? How will we manage now? Could this be a dream? What will happ-

Her thoughts were cut off when she heard her manager speak again. "I will be handing your next month's allowance so that you will manage until you find a decent job." At this she couldn't help but be grateful to her manager whom has taken care of her for the past 2 years.

The next few months were rough for both the sisters indeed until...

A phone call was heard, "ohh y/n, could you get that please". "Sure sis, Hello?" Spoke the e/c coloured girl. "Is this Miya L/n speaking?" The other line spoke. "I'm her sister, she's currently taking a shower..you had anything to do with her?" She replied. "Well yes, she applied for a job as a barista in our cafe, and we wanted to say we would gladly take her in"

These words were like music to her ears. "Sureee! I'll gladly tell her about this". She replied, her voice full of enthusiasm.
"She can bring along a partner with her, we are also currently looking for a receptionist".

That was it for the both of them, now they could finally start doing a proper job and earn enough without relying on their Ojisan who would sent them monthly allowance.


The bell on top of the wooden door chimed indicating someone entered. He stepped foot inside the cafe looking inside thoroughly, he coughed to get the attention of two certain females who were quite busy in their own world.

He went forward himself and stood infront of the receptionist placing his hand in the table. The girl noticed and immediately greeted him. At first she was a stranger to him who just happened to look a bit familiar, he shrugged it off thinking it was just his imagination.

But as he went out of the cafe mind full of thoughts about what just happened inside. She looks really familiar. Could it be... Na noo probably some random girl who looks like her.

He couldn't get the e/c coloured girl out of his mind..he had to visit again to make sure it wasn't his mind playing games.

As he entered the cafe again, he demanded to see the e/c coloured girl. The raven-haired female infront of him hesitated at first but decided it would be best to follow his orders.

As the door swung open revealing a beautiful young woman seemingly around her late 20s, his eyes widened. Was this a dream? Is that really her? Or she just looks really familiar with the girl he so dearly loved? Either way he wanted no he needed to know more about this girl and her past and decided to play it cool.

"Y/n L/n we meet again". The rosy pink-haired male said with a smirk looking the female infront of him up and and down. She sure has changed..she looks more beautiful with her s/c skin perfectly lining up with her glossy h/c and a perfect curvy body.

Well the same could be said for himself, a perfect mullet cut with rosy pink hair and pale skin with deep ocean blue eyes. She didn't recognise him at first of course.
"I'm sorry how do you know my name?" She replied looking shocked.

"Damn! How could you?" He replied holding his chest acting to be hurt.

"See here Mr. Cotton candy, stop playing this guessing game and tell me who the fuck you are and how do you know my name?" She angrily retorted looking pissed.

"Oh hoo~ calm down princess it's me Sanzu Haruchiyo"

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 ⚘𝐇.𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮╰┈➤ Where stories live. Discover now