ˏˋ°•*⁀➷I think I wanna marry you ⚘

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~The day she was waiting for.~

The sound of footsteps and voices was heard outside the main door, being curious Rindou left the living room to see who was up this late at their mansion, his eyes widened when he saw Sanzu and Y/n entered

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The sound of footsteps and voices was heard outside the main door, being curious Rindou left the living room to see who was up this late at their mansion, his eyes widened when he saw Sanzu and Y/n entered. 'What's she doing here?!'

"Yo, jellyfish," Sanzu greeted as he guided Y/n towards upstairs. "Why you little brat!" Rindou roared at him but Ran stopped him before he could attack Sanzu and cause a ruckus. The pink-haired male saw this from his peripheral vision and smirked which made Rindou even more pissed off.

'That darn cotton candy!"

"Haha, never gets old." Sanzu laughed while opening the door to his room, "you should treat him nicely." Y/n pouted while looking around his room, she was surprised to see how commodious it was for a single person, "are you the only one using this room?" She asked while sitting at the edge of the king-sized bed. "Yah, we all have our own rooms here, infact we even have extra rooms incase we get bored of our main rooms." He responded while stretching.

The e/c eyed female nodded as a response, 'Damn these people are rich... I wonder what's their source of income?' "Something wrong?" Haruchiyo asked when he noticed she was rather quiet. "Ah- um it's nothing, it's a pretty neat room you got here." She replied while tapping the bed.

"That's nice to know, I'll go get freshen up at the bathroom downstairs, you can use the one here." He pointed at the far left corner while walking towards the drawer, "I don't really have any feminine clothing but I guess this could work?" He showed her a matching black t-shirt and black sweatpants. "If you don't like it, just pick out anything from the drawer, I don't mind." And with that he left the room to go take a shower.

The h/c haired female stood up with a sigh and grabbed the clothes Sanzu picked out, 'Not that bad' She headed towards the direction Sanzu had mentioned earlier and was surprised to see how the bathroom was so elegant and neat. A smile formed on her face as she turned on the water and took her time.

"Ahhh~ now that's refreshing," She said while walking out the bathroom with a towel on her head. 'I wonder where Sanzu keeps his lotion' She looked around and saw a dressing table with some cosmetics on it, mostly men stuff but she did found a nice smelling lotion. Her eyes drifted downwards and she saw a suitcase, she looked at it for awhile before reaching out to grab it, "Na what am I doing? I shouldn't be this nosy." She shook her head and looked up at the mirror, but being the curious person she always was; she couldn't hold it back. "Just one peek." She mumbled while slowly reaching for the handle.

"No!" Sanzu's voiced roared from across the room as he sprinted towards her and lifted the suitcase while panting. "What the- Sanzu you scared me!" She looked at him with a shocked expression on her face, he looked furious for awhile but his anger faded away when he realised what just happened. He loosened his grip on the handle before clearing his throat, "some important business stuff here, lemme just-"

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 ⚘𝐇.𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮╰┈➤ Where stories live. Discover now