◛⑅·˚Bad Idea? Good Idea? ༘ ♡

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"Nice to meet you, Y/n L/n

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"Nice to meet you, Y/n L/n."
"Huh? Wait- who are you? And how do u know me?" Y/n asked confused, "Akaashi Senju." The person smiled at her.

Damn you Haruchiyo, haven't even introduced me to your girlfriend. The white-haired female let out a sigh, "So it seems my brother hasn't introduced me to you yet eh?"

"Your brother? Is it Sanzu you're talking about?" The h/c haired female raised an eyebrow, "Yes, that maniac who else,"

"Well, he never mentioned anything about his personal life to me so far, infact I don't even have any knowledge about his occupation... Do you perhaps know?"

At what the h/c haired female just said, Senju didn't feel so good about their relationship, Damn it! How could Haruchiyo be so careless, didn't he atleast told her about what he does for a living.
What if she finds out he works at an illicit organization, what's even worse is that how would she react to this... Should I come clear while I can?

"Are you okay? Whatcha thinking about? The h/c haired asked concerned.

"Huh- oh yeah! I'm fine, it's just... Umm I think you should reconsider your relationship." Senju had a guilty look as she didn't know any other way to tell her to end their relationship.

"Reconsider? Tsk- are you joking with me? Well it's not funny okay?" The e/c eyed female replied back.

"Listen to me Y/n, I'm saying this for your own good... You might be disappointed when you find out the truth," Senju smacked her mouth shut.

"Truth? What do you mean 'truth'?" Y/n replied with a tone full of seriousness.

"I- I mean... Nothing, just... Give my words a thought." She stated as she stared down at the floor intently.

The h/c haired female was confused and rather disappointed, Is Sanzu hiding something from me?

She let out a sigh as she stared at the white-haired female infront of her.

"Well, if that's it then I'll get going." The h/c haired female walked past her and made her way downstairs.

Senju stood there, staring at the tiled floor intently, Did I mess up big time? I just wanted to see how things were going... Well it's not really my fault he didn't told her about his occupation. *Sigh*

Y/n's taxi ride back home was full of anxiousness, she kept wondering what was the 'truth' Senju was talking about.

She decided to give him a call, "Hello princess~ miss me already?" Sanzu's voice spoke from the other line giving her butterflies.

"I have a question," She spoke sternly.
"And that is?" He hummed as he was waiting.
"What do you do for a living?"

Sanzu's eyes widened as she just asked him the question he least expected.
"Uh- why so sudden?" He let out a nervous chuckle.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 ⚘𝐇.𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮╰┈➤ Where stories live. Discover now