❝ Awkward Confession❞ ✧ ೃ༄

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"Sanzu?" She turned around and met his ocean blue irises; something about it was just so alluring and captivating

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"Sanzu?" She turned around and met his ocean blue irises; something about it was just so alluring and captivating. Their faces were only inches apart, as she could feel his warm breath on her lips.

They kept eye contact for awhile, then suddenly the pink-haired male slowly started leaning closer to her, now their lips were so close to each other that one false move would end up in lip contact.

But before he could do so, she harshly pushed him away from her which made him stumble back and fall to the ground, "What was that for?" He asked in disbelief as he stood up and dusted away the dirt from his clothes.

"WaHt WaS tHaT fOr~" she mimicked him while crossing her arms and looking away to avoid eye contact. "Well someone's being an airhead today." He tried to approach her but she gave him a 'if you come one step closer, I will bite your head off look' he immediately stopped in his tracks, clearing his throat as he pondered how to console the steaming female.

"Hey look, I know you're mad about me suddenly disappearing and all but I had a reason." He replied his voice full of guilt as it seemed like he had no other choice,
"And that reason would be?" The female raised an eyebrow at him.

"Um, it's not something to share about, really private stuff you see.." he scratched his nape frustrated, hoping she would try and understand his situation.

"Oh, something so important you had to disappear for more than a week?" She snarled at him, "Hey I was just taking a break ok? I was tired, I was frustrated, and when my boss finally gave me some time off after completing some tasks, I decided to spend my time somewhere nice." He looked down trying not to cry as it would only make him look pathetic.

"You could have atleast told me you were going to take a break, do you even know how worried I was? I thought I did something wrong and you were mad at me." She said while fighting back her tears.

"No princess, I wasn't mad at you, although you did do something wrong." He muttered the last few words while looking away averting his gaze but it was audible to the female.

"Excuse me what? What do you mean I did something wrong?" She gave him a serious look, he gulped down nothing as he tried to look her straight in the eyes.

Sanzu Haruchiyo, Bonten's second in command, a ruthless deranged killer who would focus on the effects of drugs, a master manipulator, a professional Katana user who has probably murdered hundreds of people. Was being scared to confess his feelings for a girl he loved for years.
What a pathetic coward.

"That night.." he trailed off, stepping one step forward.

"The night we ate dinner at your place," he came closer.

"You called me just a friend.." He came a little closer.

"Am I really just a friend to you?" He asked, now standing a few inches away from her.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 ⚘𝐇.𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮╰┈➤ Where stories live. Discover now