˚ ༘♡A cherry Blossom Wedding ⋆。˚ ❀

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~His promise~

Last night's incident was truly shocking to the h/c haired female

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Last night's incident was truly shocking to the h/c haired female.

What was Rin talking about? More like who was he talking about... Perhaps his past lover... His late gf or wife; it's a secret we'll never know of... Maybe.

"You good?" Sanzu looked at the h/c haired female; concerned since she was looking a bit down today.

"Huh- Oh um yeah, I'm good... Why'd you ask?" She replied stuttering a bit.
"You've been acting strange since this morning, is something going on?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm just a bit tired, nothing a little nap can't fix." She smiled at him, although Sanzu did feel a bit reassured he was still not convinced the female would be okay.

"Well then why don't you go rest, I'll handle the café with Miya." Sanzu requested.

The e/c eyed female looked at him for awhile but decided to just give in cause she was indeed tired and needed to rest.

She nodded as she stood up, the pink-haired male did the same. He ruffled her hair gently as he placed a soft peck on her forehead. "Take care, I hope you feel well soon." He smiled widely at her.

The e/c eyed female always felt butterflies in her stomach when she saw his smile, she considered herself lucky for being loved by no other than Sanzu himself.

She returned a smile as she left the cafè, walking down the road with soft breeze of wind blowing strands of her h/c hair, the sun was shining brightly as it looked like a beautiful summer day. She almost instantly felt better and her mood cheered up completely when she saw bouquets of flowers at the flower shop. She was admiring the flowers from outside when someone from the inside opened the door.

"Y/n?" A female called out.
The h/c haired female looked up and her eyes widened, "Hinata?!"

She quickly ran to her and embraced her to a tight hug. "I thought you forgot about me," the brownish-pink haired female pouted, "No no I didn't, I was just busy with my life," the h/c haired female let go of the hug.

"Besides you're my childhood bestie, how could I even forget you," Y/n smiled proudly, "Haha! I can never prove you wrong, can I?" Hina teased her, "No you can't." The h/c haired female giggled.

"Oh! That reminds me, isn't your wedding around the corner?" Asked Y/n while picking some flowers.
"Yes, that's why I'm her to pick a beautiful bouquet." Hina grinned while showing her two bouquets. "But the problem is I can't choose which one," her smile dropped.

Y/n looked at both the bouquets thoroughly while tapping her chin with her pointer finger. "This one!" She exclaimed while pointing at the baby pink and white roses. Hina cheered up at this, "I was thinking to go with this too."

"My choice is always the best, go with what I choose and your life will be filled with sweetness." The e/c eyed female proudly proclaimed.

"Yes, ma'am!" Replied Hina as they both laughed.

"So when's your special day?" Y/n asked as they both entered to pay for the flowers.

"Three days from now, be sure to be there with your special person from that day." Hina nudged her shoulders.

The h/c haired female blushed lightly at this, "of course we'll be there." She rolled her eyes playfully

"Wedding?" Sanzu repeated as he stuffed his mouth with pasta.
"Yes, wedding... Now don't tell me you're not gonna come with me." The h/c haired female pouted.

"Of course we'll go there together love." Sanzu chirped as he squeezed her hand gently, "now that's what I like to hear," Y/n smiled as they both finished their dinner.

"Haaah! It's such a beautiful night!" Sanzu said while walking out of the restaurant, "indeed, it's really refreshing as well." Replied Y/n while holding his hands.

They both went on a little walk admiring the full moon night, walking hand-in-hand while talking about how their day went, "let's sit here for awhile my feet are aching." Y/n whined while pointing at a bench, "sure."

She rested her head on his shoulder, as they both sat in silence for awhile, "when are we getting married?" The female asked out of nowhere as she lifted her head and looked at him, Sanzu flinched slightly at this question, "uh- soon... Very soon." He let out a fake cough

Y/n gave him a disappointed look as she stood up and started making her way out of the park, Sanzu became nervous as he quickly followed behind her. Did I mess up? I mean why would I ruin a surprise like proposing? I want it to be special, heck I don't even know whether she wants a diamond ring or a gold one. He thought as he went ahead of her and stopped her in her tracks.

"Sanzu what're you doing?" She raised an eyebrow at him, he looked at her as he grabbed both her hands and held it gently. "When the very first cherry blossom flowers start blossoming, I, Haruchiyo Sanzu, promise to marry the one and only love of my life Y/n L/n, be there for you till my very last breath, I vow to love you even after death do us apart, If I must, then I'll wait a thousand years just for you, I'll find you again in my next life and fall in love with you all over again... Just don't get sick of my love."

The h/c haired female widened her eyes as she got flustered, her cheeks turning bright red while her eyes began to tear up, "what's the matter?! Did I say something wrong?!" Sanzu panicked as he looked at the female.

Y/n shook her head as she slowly leaned her head closer to his chest, tears rolled down her cheeks, as she was lost for words.

"Thank you, Haruchiyo, I really appreciate it." She sniffed while hugging him tightly.

"Anything for you, I'm always here and will always be here..." He reassured her while patting her head.

Y/n... I hope you'll be there for me too no matter what happens, please be by my side, I'm too scared to lose you.

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