ˏˋ°•*⁀➷First Heartbreak! Many more to go

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"Oh don't worry I didn't~"

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"Oh don't worry I didn't~"

The female quickly looked away hiding her face as the apple of her cheeks turned red slightly. Her reaction never failed to amuse him.

They both sat in the living room, watching some movies they picked from the movie rental store on their way back home. The pink-haired male let out a yawn, he didn't seemed to be interested in the movie that was choosen by the e/c eyed female.

"You bored already?" The female raised an eyebrow, "well, yeah, obviously, who the hell watches a biographical movie in this day and age?" He whined. "I do, now shut up and watch." She drifted her attention back to the movie. He looked away crossing his arms while pouting, but the female didn't bother to console him.

"Dinner's ready." Miya shouted from the kitchen. "Be right there sis," she turned of the TV and stood up to leave, "c'mon Sanzu you heard her." Sanzu let out a sigh before standing up and followed the h/c haired female to the kitchen.

As they both sat besides each other, Miya sat opposite to their seat already digging in, "So Sanzu," she suddenly stopped eating. The pink-haired looked up from his plate, "Um, yeah?" He asked a bit confused. While the female besides him was still eating.

"I heard from my sister that you guys had a past. Am I right?" She continued, the e/c eyed female choked on her food, smacking her chest, "w-water *cough* * cough*" Sanzu was quick to react and handed her the glass of water besides him. After drinking half of the water she slammed the glass in the table almost shattering it.

"Oh my goodness sis, didn't i told you not to interfere with my love life?" She angrily retorted. "Y/N!" The older female also smacked her hands down the table, vibrating it completely. "I have every single right to know about whatever is going on in your life." She gave her younger sister a disappointed look.

"H-hey you two calm down." Sanzu whimpered as he didn't knew what to do when two females are arguing.

The h/c haired female let out a sigh in defeat cause she knew arguing with her sister would do her no good.

"We're nothing much more than friends, we were good friends back then and we still are." The e/c eyed female stated while continuing to eat her food.

Friends...turns out I'm nothing more than a friend to her....gosh who am I kidding?

Sanzu felt as if his hopes had just been crushed by a wrecking ball. He tried, and he did his best to show her every piece of his affection. Was she too naive to notice? Or he just sucks at the game of love? Either way he was heartbroken to hear her call him 'just a friend'.

The rest of the dinner was silent for him, as he didn't utter a single word. He felt as if he was going to be sick and breakdown right then and there. His mind was racing like crazy, her words repeating in his head.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 ⚘𝐇.𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮╰┈➤ Where stories live. Discover now