◛⑅·˚Its Always You ༘ ♡

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The radiant sunshine embraced the ground beneath Tokyo, people taking shelter under shady trees and admiring the blissful wheather, the sound of nature reached every aspect of their hearing as they indulged in its presence

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The radiant sunshine embraced the ground beneath Tokyo, people taking shelter under shady trees and admiring the blissful wheather, the sound of nature reached every aspect of their hearing as they indulged in its presence.

Failed in the game of love many times, L/n Y/n peacefully left everyone hundreds of years ago this day. But time and the universe working in mysterious ways, had planned a new love story to unfold. Sure this may sound absurd, but someone made a promise to his lady love that he will find her again in his next life. Well as much of a risk it is and however abnormal it may sound, he was destined with this fate. Would they get a happy ending?


Walking along the sunny streets of Roppongi, hiding from a certain someone. The h/c haired female went and hid behind a tree while giggling like a child. But to her bad luck she was caught. "FOUND YOU!" A brunette grabbed her shoulders from behind and shook them like crazy.

"I'm gonna puke my soul out if you don't let go." The h/c haired female covered her mouth with a dizzy look on her face. The brunette immediately let go of her shoulders with a horrified look on her face. "Yikes! Didn't mean to make you feel dizzy." She chuckled nervously.

So, L/n Y/n losing the game of hide and seek and as she promised to buy ice-cream for the younger female. The brunette being her only friend in her first year of high school she couldn't make her upset.

The e/c eyed female sighed as she stood up, dusted away the dirt in her clothes and started walking towards a convenience store. The brunette followed her immediately with a jolly look on her face, "you're the best, Y/n-san."

Both the first year students spent the rest of the day playing pranks on random people... Just being the trouble maker duo they were known as in school. "Haha! Today was fun!" The h/c haired female smiled widely as she walked along to the path of her house, "indeed! Let's hang out again tomorrow?" The brunette asked while looking at the e/c eyed female, Y/n nodded as a response as she bid her goodbyes to the brunette and continued along her path whistling to her favorite tune with her hands in her pocket.

When she turned over an alley she bumped into someone, "watch where you're going." A blonde nonchalantly stated while staring down at the h/c haired female.

"Huh?! What's that supposed to mean? It's not like I have a 360° vision or anything, you're the one not focusing ahead." She snarled at him, "calm down angry bird, no one's at fault here." He averted his gaze from her.

The h/c haired female let out a 'hmph' before dramatically facing away from him and went ahead, tsk did he seriously called me an angry bird? He blames me first for bumping into him as if I was planning that from the beginning, what a pathetic idiot.

While she was raging from anger she failed to notice a bunch of delinquents targetting her as if a lion were looking at its prey. Her senses came back when a hand grabbed her mouth and dragged her into a dark alleyway.

"Let go of me!" She mumbled, "quiet down!" A terrible looking man grabbed both her hands and harshly tied it with a rope behind her back.

The man looked at her with a hungry look on his face, "I'll go first boys." He looked at the rest of the gang members, they all nodded in response as they smirked to themselves.

She closed her eyes for a brief moment, feeling weak and hopeless she had no choice but to suffer... But before she could feel anything she heard a loud thud with gasps coming from the other delinquents.

The h/c haired female opened her eyes and she saw the blonde guy from earlier, his fists were tightened as he looked at the rest of the gang members. He looked back at her over his shoulders, "you won't get hurt, I'll protect you."

She blushed at this as she watched the blonde beating up all the delinquents one by one. It looked as if she was watching a live action movie right infront of her eyes, Am I dreaming?!

He looked at the remaining dorks before they all scrambled while carrying the guys who were badly beaten up by the blonde. The blue-eyed male smirked to himself while turning around to check on the h/c haired female.

"You kay?" He asked her while reaching out a hand to help her stand up. She stared at his hands for awhile before awkwardly accepting it. "T-thank you." She fiercely looked into his eyes while being flustered.

The male stared at her briefly before flicking her forehead. "What was the for?!" She said while rubbing her forehead, he chucked lightly before walking away.

She quietly followed him from behind but he noticed this, "hmm? Something wrong?" He looked over his shoulders to her before completely turning around. The e/c eyed female looked away while blushing, "h-huh?! What're you talking about? This is the path to my house as well."

The blonde nodded his head while walking ahead, she ran up to him and they walked side-by-side... He didn't mind this as he felt butterflies in his stomach when she did something stupid like almost trip in thin air or accidentally stepped in a puddle.

"What's your name?" He asked as he stopped walking and looked at her. The h/c haired female stopped walking as well and stared back at him, "L/n, Y/n L/n."

He stared at her for awhile, "you got a pretty nice name there."

"Thanks, I guess."

"Mine's Sanzu, Haruchiyo Sanzu."

"Nice name, Sanzu."

A typical beginning of a love story, a blooming romance awaits them as this time their destiny was marked with a happy ending. Walking together towards her house they had a little change in plan as they ended up walking around the entire neighborhood not giving a damn about the time.

Walking hand-in-hand without a destination in mind to mark the end of their day. The damned teenagers were already in each others lives as they had nothing but time and love in their hearts. A continuation of their ones tragically ended relationship was now blooming again like a sakura petal in its tree, just like the sweet aroma it carried, their relationship also had a sweet touch to it.


©Absinthe 2022

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