11: Thanks, I hate it

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Childe sighed, sitting on one of the benches in the park where he was. It had been two days since Teucer had been taken to the juvenile home, and although the blonde seemed to be a good person, he did not trust her. Childe didn't trust anyone but himself. He hardly had any money, no house, no phone... And now he didn't have his brother either. The girl's name was Lumine, she told him that if he could prove that he had enough quality life to support himself and his brother, he could get him back, in simple words: he needed money. But, how was he going to do that?

The day before he went to a restaurant where they were looking for waiters, but they rejected him saying that he needed at least high school studies... Although the owner looked at him quite badly when he noticed his accent.

No one was going to hire him anywhere, where was he going to get the money? It was impossible for him. He didn't know anyone to trust, he was completely alone.

Childe sighed again, resting his elbows on his knees as his right leg twitched. What would his parents do at this time? Or one of his older brothers? He pursed his lips, biting the inside of his cheek. He wasn't going to cry, he wouldn't shed a single tear again, he refused to do that. He had to be strong: for his deceased relatives, for himself... And for Teucer. At that instant, only his brother mattered.

"Quick, think of something, there must be some way to make money..." He whispered, getting up and looking around him. It was September, he still hadn't gotten used to Liyue's hot and humid weather. It would be dry and cold in Snezhnaya, but now the temperature was still high enough there, at least for him.

He glanced at the park clock, dirty from pigeon droppings and cracked glass. It was seven in the afternoon, twenty minutes to eight. Maybe he could steal? No, if he did that he was sure they would find out very quickly, and he would be returned to Snezhnaya. What could he do? He started walking, not knowing where he was going. What plan should his parents have for when they got to Liyue? All the money they had earned had been given to the middlemen, if they had a fund for when they arrived, it should have stayed in Snezhnaya.

Childe shook his head, he had promised Teucer that he would get him out of there as soon as possible. He couldn't break his promise.

Childe left the park, walking through the unfamiliar streets of Liyue. His stomach twisted, feeling intimidated by this unknown nation. Everything was very different from Snezhnaya. In that place people were free, they lived in peace and harmony, and didn't live in constant fear of being executed for any ridiculousness. If Liyue was like that, he didn't even want to imagine how would be Mondstadt, the Nation of Freedom. Childe pursed his lips, receiving curious glances every time he passed someone. Or was it his imagination? He wasn't sure.

He continued walking without knowing where he was going as if doing that could lead to the solution of all his problems. And why not? Sitting in a park wasn't going to get him anywhere, although expending energy without knowing exactly why wouldn't probably do much of an effect either.

And suddenly an idea struck him.

In Snezhnaya he met several girls who sold his body in exchange for money, which was illegal (and of course, also punishable with death). But it was useful to them, they made money, and that way they could save to flee the country. Childe knew that in Liyue it was also illegal, although he doubted that anywhere in Teyvat it was allowed. Still... What else he can do? He knew his physique was attractive, his ginger hair was rare as well. He gulped. Childe had never had sex, barely had contact with his own body (he once put his finger out of curiosity, but it was uncomfortable and he never did it again). Now was he going to prostitute himself? Childe was sure that if they caught him he too would be returned, and he didn't have condoms or anything at all.

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