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They got on the jet, Katty was led down across some chairs, her head on Nats lap
"How is she?" Fury asked over the comms to Tony

"Not good. We have not got enough to keep her that comfortable and I think a wound is already infected" Tony answered

"We have everything ready here for when you land at the trauma centre" Fury said

"Good, she is gonna need it all" Tony said

"Nat... I can't... breathe" Kat struggled to say as she placed her hand at the bottom of her neck and chest area. She tried to gasp for air as she couldn't feel herself breathing

"Katty" Nat panicked
"Stark we need to land faster!" She yelled as she encoraged Kat to open her mouth so Nat could check her airways

"I'm trying" He said as he heard the commotion. Nat tried to comfort Katty, knowing there wasn't a lot else she could do

"Nat" She said, a tear fell down her face as she tried to breathe still before her eyes closed, her arm fell off her wound

"Kat? Oh my god" Nat panicked  realising she was unresponsive
"Stark hurry up!" She screamed as she had to move a pillow under Kat's head. She soon started compressions as they landed

"Nat, you need to stop for a moment so we can take her down to the medical staff" Steve said. Nat stopped as she let tears come down her face while Steve carried Kat to the medics

"Okay, we have this" They told Nat as they saw her before running off down the hallways.

Nat, Steve and Tony sat in the waiting room. Nat was shaking while Tony cried to comfort her a little as Steve was calling between Clint and some others. The doctor eventually walked into the room with Bruce just as Clint arrived
"We have her stable, she is on blood transfusions as she is extremely lucky to be alive. She lost 2 pints of blood which usually kills people but she managed to survive" The doctor said

"Natasha... you can come in and wait till she wakes up" Bruce added

"Really?" Nat asked

"Yeah" He nodded

"I'll walk you" The doctor told her, leaving the team with Bruce

"How come she gets to go?" Tony asked

"Nat is the closest person to her, it's only fair" Clint said

"I just also need to make sure she knew she was at least okay but there will be a lot of issues... she could be out of action for months on end" Bruce told them

"How long till she can come home?" Tony asked

"2 or 3 weeks. We want to ensure everything goes smoothly with the blood transfusions and she might need another surgery or two to repair a few muscles that were damaged" Bruce told them

"I'm gonna get the tower sorted, she can stay there where I can help keep an eye on her and whoever else" Tony said

"I'm gonna go shopping and grab some things for Nat" Clint said

"I'll come" Steve told him

"Alright, you can also come in and out if you have your ID badge" Bruce reminded them

"Right" Clint nodded and the three left while Bruce walked to the room to see Nat sat next to Kat's bed, whispering something in Russian.

A few hours later

Nat was asleep in the chair just as Katty finally woke up. She took a second before she saw Bruce in the room
"Welcome back to the land of the living" He said
"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood a little" He quickly added

"It's okay. Thank you for helping" Kat smiled

"No problem" He nodded

"How long till I can leave? I hate hospitals" Kat stated

"Not any time soon" He answered

"Yay... might have to move an extra bed in here cuz she won't leave my side" Kat stated

"Fair point. I'll wake her up in a moment... just letting her sleep it off for a while as she can" Bruce said

"Is she okay?"

"Emotional but okay... her main heartbreak was when you stopped breathing"

"I... I don't remember" Kat said, screwing her face up a little

"It's okay you had no oxygen for 2 and a half minuets... you are likely to experience memory issues, so you might forget names, key details and other parts. You can also develop some levels of anxiety and depression alongside changes to your personality and moods than usual" Bruce told her

"Great... how long will that take to sort out?"

"Anything upto 6 months... maybe longer but we will just have to see when we get some results back" Bruce nodded

"Alright" Kat sighed a little just as Nat then woke up

"You finally woke up" She smiled

"Yep, Doctor Banner was just telling me about the side effects" Kat nodded
"Come here" She smiled, patting on the bed. Nat got up and sat next to her where Katty then hugged her.
"I'm sorry" Kat whispered

"Don't worry, I am just happy you're not dead" Natasha said

A few days later

"Okay so are you both ready?" Bruce asked them as Nat sat on the end of the bed and Katty was sat up right on the other

"I suppose so" Kat shrugged

"Okay, let's see what you can remember"

"How old are you?" Nat asked

"29" Kat answered

"Where were you raised"

"Red Room"

"What weapon is your favourite?"

"Its... I don't know" Kat said

"Alright... um, where were you in 1995?"

"Ohio then Cuba... then the Red Room"

"What's your full name?"

"Katarina Milana Alexeev"

"Alright that is enough for today" Bruce said
"Can I talk to you outside?" Bruce asked Nat. The two walked off

"It's okay, just go in the hallway to talk about me... I don't care" Kat said as they left

"Good" Nat smirked before she closed the door

"Asshole" Kat shook her head

"What is it?" Nat asked Bruce

"She seems to be okay with childhood memories more than anything. We established that yesterday when she couldn't remember who Fury was" Bruce sighed

"Or Thor... or even the stupid circus" Nat nodded
"She will get there, it just means she had to take time" Nat sighed

"Exactly. You are probably the best person who can help her as you two have a shared past and are best friends" Bruce said

"Just gotta keep hopeful" Nat nodded

"I got to call Tony but you can go back in" Bruce smiled a little before he walked away

"Done talking about me now?" Kat asked and Nat smiled

"Never because you love being the centre of attention" Nat smirked

"Why isn't Yelena here?" Katty asked

"Because she isn't... I wish she was but she isn't" Nat answered

"We should find her"

"One day... when you are all healed" Nat shrugged

"Fine" Kat answered with a small huff

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