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"You what?" Clint asked as he dragged her upstairs to the room Clint was given

"I ended it. I got the tip, the equipment and sorted it out. It's over" Kat said

"Why didn't you tell me? You could have got hurt or worse"

"I'm sorry... I needed to do it on my own" Kat sighed as she sat down, gripping her hair with her hands
"I need you to leave me here" Kat muttered

"No, never"

"I can't go home"

"Kat, stop it. Listen to me" Clint said as he knelt in front of her. He grabbed her hands and moved them from her hair
"No one is going to judge you, there is nothing to be scared about! You need to come home as it has been weeks already" Clint told her

"A few more days... I need to make sure it was done properly" Kat told him, getting a small nod.

5 days later

Kat and Clint finally arrived at the Avengers tower after spending a night at the Barton's house. Kat made it upto her room and pulled out this laptop that she got from Larisa, opening up before plugging in her Widow tracker. She pulled up a page which showed many dots
"Shit" She muttered

"Kat!" Nat said as she burst in. Kat closed the tab and quickly kicked the tracker away

"What the hell Tash" Kat grumbled

"You came back and didn't say hi" She said as she sat on the bed next to Kat
"That's new"

"I know, I was given it by a old woman" Kat nodded

"Where? Clint said he only took you to his"

"Yeah when I was shopping with Lila and Laura. Um, I just am really tired and could use the rest for a while" Kat nodded

"Fine but I'm coming to get you for food later" Nat said as she left. Kat shook her head as fell back onto her bed with a sigh, keeping an ear out until she knew she was okay to start using the computer again. She picked up the tracker and she plugged it back in and saw a tracker only a few streets back

"Shit" She said as she send the specific tracker to her phone before crushing hers. She threw the laptop out the window, causing it to fall 20 floors and completely smash. She then grabbed her jacket and boots, sneaking out of her room and the tower. Katty followed the tracker to an apartment building, seeing the windows being lined up with the fire escape to the roof.
"Always something after another" Kat sighed as she started the climb up the stairs until she heard a familiar voice

"The man was killed by her in Madripoor. General wants us back tomorrow" A voice said

"Okay, get everything and I will meet you at the location in the morning... I just want this done" The other said, Kat was crouched and had her gun drawn, listening in. The group but one left which allowed Kat to open the window, seeing the blonde with her gun out

"I heard you 3 floors down"

"Why the hell are you here?" Kat asked

"Because you are a mission, you need to be killed"

"Come on Sis, what happened to me being your favourite out of me and Natasha?" Kat asked

"You are going to die, I am here to kill you"

"Then do it! Damn it Yelena either do what you're suppose to do or put the gun down" Kat shook her head as she lowered hers.

"If he finds you... he will kill you. You need to leave town" Yelena said as she put her gun down as well

"I can't just run... again" Kat said

"You need to, now leave before they come back"

"Or I take you to my friends... we can keep you safe" Kat told her but she looked away, writing something down and handing it to Kat

Even if I wanted to... he has full control of my actions and that's why you need to leave

"I'm sorry... I will come back for you, promise" Kat said, using everything she mentally had to leave Yelena with a regret in every step she took.

3 hours later

"Kat still isn't down here" Tony said as he was finishing putting out the last of the takeout

"Shit yeah, I was suppose to go get her because she went to sleep" Nat said before running to the elevator. She pressed the button as she got it and waited impatiently for it to go up to the floor where Kats room was. Natasha got out and walked upto the door and knocked
"Sleepy, come on food is ready" She said, getting no response
"Kat?" Nat said as she tried to open it but it was locked. She rolled her eyes before she picked at the lock and saw the empty bed and an empty room, a very obvious note in the middle. Nat slowly walked over, sitting on the bed as she picked it up to read it

Hey Tash, I know I said I would never do anything stupid again in my life... if it was out loud or in my head but this time it was desperate. I am leaving for a fair while but if I am not back in 4 months then maybe start planning to look for me, or plan a funeral, your option. Maybe wait a few days before telling the team because they will only stress you out more and I know you need a while to process stuff, like your little sis leaving you... again. I really do love you and wish I could give an explanation for this but I can't just yet. One day I will but be careful

~ Katty

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