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They waited around and everyone eventually arrived in the lab
"All our work is gone. Ultron cleared out and used the internet as an escape route" Bruce explained

"Ultron" Steve muttered

"He's been in everything. Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us then we know about eachother" Nat added in

"He's in your files, he's in your Internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?" Rhodey asked

"Nuclear codes" Hill said

"Nuclear codes" Rhodey agreed
"Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can" He added

"Nukes? He said he wanted us dead" Nat stated

"He didn't say he wanted us dead, he said extinct" Steve said

"Yeah, which is the worse word for majorly dead" Kat said

"He also said he killed somebody" Clint spoke up

"There wasn't anyone else in the building" Hill shrugged

"Yes there was" Tony said as he showed them JARVIS

"This is insane" Bruce said

"JARVIS was the first linen of defence. He would have shut Ultron down, it makes sense" Steve told them

"No, Ultron could have assimilated JARVIS. This... this isn't strategy, this is rage" Bruce said

"Speaking of" Kat muttered as she nodded at Thor charging in and grabbing Tony by the throat

"Woah, woah, woah" Rhodey said as Thor kept walking with Tony in the air

"Come on, use your words, buddy." Tony spoke

"I have more than enough words to describe you Stark" Thor snarled

"Thor! The legionnair" Steve reminded him, making him drop Tony with a slight throw

"The trail went cold about 100 miles out, and it's heading north... and it has the sceptre. Now we have to retrieve it again!" Thor explained

"The genie is out of that bottle. Clear and present is Ultron" Nat said

"I don't understand. You built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?" Cho asked as she looked at Tony and Bruce, only to hear Tony start laughin

"I am gonna go grab a drink... this is doing my head in" Kat grumbled as she walked off, pulling out her phone. She quickly texted a few people before she got a call
"My favourite friend... I need that favour" Kat said

"What is it Kat?"

"Find the twins Strucker loved, keep a distant but close eye on them because they are going to be a target of a killer bot thing" Kat explained as she walked down to the broken bar and grabbed a bottle of Vodka which had a slight bit of damage to the top
"Thank you, bye" She said as she ended the and chugged some of the vodka out the bottle before taking it upto her room.

She got woken up by Tony coming in, making a mess with her stuff
"What are you looking for?"

"Nat said you had backup files in here" Tony said

"On what?" She yawned


"Nope, they got stolen along with my other stuff... which I wanted to mention as to how someone broke into your high security building" Kat shook her head as she led back down

"Yeah I don't know about that but mind getting up and helping with this mess? He wants you dead as well"

"Not as much as you probably" Kat shrugged

"Just get up" Tony told her he walked out. Kat grumbled as she pulled herself out of bed, getting dressed before going down to the meeting room, seeing boxes of files everywhere

"What is this? 1970 something?" Kat asked as she looked around

"All Struckers digital traces have been deleted after Ultron killed him, hence why I asked if you had any" Tony explained briefly

"Wish I did cuz it would save a lot of time" Kat said

"Wait, I know that guy! Back in the day, he operated on the african coast. Black Marker arms" Tony explained, getting a glare from Steve
"There are conversations, alright. You meet people, I didn't sell him anything. He was talking about finding something, a game changer" Tony explained

"This" Thor pointed at the picture

"That's a tattoo, I don't think he had it"

"No those are tattoos. This is a brand" Thor said

"Let me see" Kat said as they handed her the file
"African. I have only seen one other brand like this in my life! It means some sort of thief but was never clarified who made the brand mark" Kat explained as Bruce took it to run it through a recognition database

"Yeah it's a word in an African dialect meaning theif in a much less friendly way" Bruce read as he turned to face them

"Told ya" Kat shrugged

"What dialect?" Steve asked Bruce

"Waka-na-da... Wa, Wa... Wakanda" He said

"If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods" Tony said as him and Steve stared at eachother

"I thought your father said he got the last of it" Steve said

"I don't follow, what comes out of Wakanda?" Bruce asked

"The strongest metal on earth" Tony answered

"Where is this guy now?" Steve asked and Tony pulled up a last known location

"Salvage Yard of the coastline" Tony answered

"Suit up, if Ultron gets any vibraniun... we could have an issue" Steve said and they all left to get ready. Kat grabbed her more improved suit out, seeing the better pockets and room for her multiple weapons. She quickly got ready and the team headed out to the Salvage Yard.

They landed a far distance away from them, figuring out what to do whilst Tony handed out comms
"I'm happy staying behind until you call code green" Bruce told them

"It shouldn't come to it. You'll be okay" Kat smiled slightly
"But did we have to be so far away! By the time we walk it, Pietro could have killed us, we could get stuck in the sand or Ultron could have left" Kat said

"We aren't walking" Steve said

"Two of us fly. Mathematically speaking, not all of us are gonna be taking a free ride from Thor or Tony"

"I don't need it. Tony will take you and Clint in. Thor takes Natasha" Steve said and they all got ready

"Drop me and I will never forgive you" Kat told Tony as she jumped on his back

"You will be fine" Tony grumbled as they flew off 

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