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3 weeks later

Katty was finally at the new Avengers Tower and had gotten use to the layout of the place after being there for a week.
She was sat on her bed, watching TV just before she got the idea to sneak down to the gym. She saw these giant red silks attached to the wall and they instantly gained her interest

"And now we welcome our greatest and talented performer, Katarina Alexeev! She is a one of a kind woman from Russia who was trained in acrobatics and gymnastics since she was 3 years old and is here tonight to entertain you all" The Ringmaster shouted as Kat walked out in her red sparked silk suit as well as her hair tied back in braids to keep it out the way.

She took a few steps to the silks, using her left arm to grab one first before taking the right. She wrapped the silks carefully around her forearms and she then lifted herself up and ended up in a handstand position before she did the splits. The crowd clapped before Katty then climbed her way up after jumping down. She reached the top and tied the silks around her legs and did some splits again

"What are you doing!?" Nat yelled, Kat looked down to see she had done everything she saw in her memory

"Sleep walking" Katty nodded

"Incase you forgot, you are not suppose to do any physical work until you are cleared by a professional!" Nat kept yelling

"I am so glad you are down there because I can hardly hear you" Katty muttered


"I said I am not sure how I got up here" Kat yelled down at Nat

"Just get down" Nat shook her head. Kat smirked as she held her arms out and fell forward, the silks made her carefully roll down to the ground
"I am getting these removed" Nat stated

"Why? They are fun" Kat said as she looked at them

"You aren't suppose to be doing anything physical? What happens if you have a episode where you forget how to use them? Or that you pull out the stitches on your skin? Or even the ones inside? You could bleed to death again! Will you just think it through for one god damn moment in your life?" Nat yelled. Kat looked Nat dead in the face, not saying a word

"Are you done?" Kat asked, just seeing Nat stood there shaking her head in frustration
"Good because the only way I am going to get through this is by doing stuff like this. I get it, it is hard for you and everyone else here but how do you think it is for me? I am being told I know people or that I have done this and done that but I can't remember it! Just... I'll give you some space" Kat said before she walked off. She made her way upto the roof where she then led down and watched the sky to try calm down

"What happened?" Clint asked as he came up, seeing her on the floor

"My sister happened" Katty grumbled as Clint joined her

"I know... she mentioned it very quickly" Clint said

"How did you know I would be up here?" Kat suddenly asked

"You use to watch the sky with Yelena when you were kids... you told me that and I know it is your comfort" Clint answered

"Sometimes I think you know me better than Nat does. She just has a pure heart but when things get tough she either lashes out or she puts on the entire 'we are not even real sisters' thing with me... was she like this before whatever happened to me did happen?" Katty asked him

"A little. You two just seem to be drifting apart and then you got mad at her because she forgot your birthday but refused to tell her directly... then she found you like that and she felt guilty as anything" Clint answered

"So it's my fault?"

"No. You both just need to talk and sort this out"

"Okay" Kat sighed, she closed her eyes for a second

"You okay?" Clint asked

"Thinking" Kat muttered as she focused a little before she bolted upwards. Clint did the same and placed a hand on her shoulder
"I need to see Bruce" She suddenly said as she left Clint. She ran down to see Bruce with Tony in the lab
"Something is wrong with me" Kat said

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked

"I feel like I am having dreams about things... Aliens... um, the circus... parts you and Nat have mentioned"

"That means you're recovering... don't worry about it"

"Are you sure?"

"Who is Thor?"

"Space god" Kat shrugged before her eyes lit up a little
"Does that mean I can like leave this hell now?" Kat asked

"Really?" Tony asked her

"No offence but I have been locked up for like a month in total with nothing but fake plants and the smell of hospitals" Kat said

"Take Clint with you, maybe he can take you away for a vacation or something while everyone returns to work" Bruce nodded

"I can go ask" Katty smiled with a nod.  She ran out the lab and soon found Clint, Steve and Nat talking
"Clint, can I talk to you?" Katty asked from the doorway

"Sure, give me a sec" He nodded

"Thanks" Kat smiled as she waited around the corner for him. He soon walked out and the two went down the hall
"Bruce said I can leave... I know it's a bit of an ask but maybe can I come stay with you and Laura for a week or two?" Kat asked him

"Are you sure?"

"Bruce said a vacation is a good idea and also gives time for everyone else to go deal with their own issues" Kat answered
"I can help with building, I can do little house jobs or whatever. Please" Kat asked

"Take Nat out for a sister lunch tomorrow then I will" Clint nodded

"You are the best" Katty laughed as she hugged him before making her way to Steve and Nat
"Are you busy tomorrow lunch time?" Kat asked her sister

"No, why?"

"Can we go get lunch at that greasy food place you like? I just wanna talk" Kat said

"Are you dying?" Nat asked

"Not today" Kat shrugged

"Fine" Nat nodded

"Then we leave the next day for a mission so you won't see us for a few weeks" Steve said

"It's okay... I'm going on vacation anyway" Kat nodded
"Oh and um, I believe it is pizza night and I put bets down Nat is paying so you guys might want to go sort that out" Kat added before she skipped away

"You did what?" Nat yelled after her

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