Chapter 2: Afternoon plans

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(If you're paying attention to the time it takes me to write a chapter you'll see it doesn't take me long, so if you like this fanfic, let me know and I will only focus on this story and then you will have many chapters to read, otherwise I assume no one likes it and I'll work on my other stories which I have many I'm working on, actually, I haven't finished any... ok, onto the story, enjoy my amazing readers!!! Don't forget to check out my other books if you like my writing style! I love ya'll!)

Mirabel and Camilo dropped me off at my house and I finally got away. I sighed and kicked off my shoes.

"Es hora de cenar, hija!" My ma yelled.

{Es hora de cenar, hija-It is time for dinner, daughter.}

"Si ma!" I said. quickly running to my room to hide my cherry candy and the vision.


"What did you do today?" My ma asked me as she piled food onto my plate.

"I went to the candy shop and then ran into Ben at his father's stand at the market, I also met some new people, it was a really tiring day," I said, eating after saying my prayers.

"Hm, I met a new person today too, I think she said her name was Abuela Alma," I almost spat out my food.

"She lives in the magic house!" I said surprised.

"Please, no hables con la boca llena de comida, and yes, she does, what is your problem with that house?"

{No hables con la boca llena de comida-don't talk with your mouth full of food}

"Nada, nada..." I mumbled, taking another bite of my food.


"She seems very nice, she also mentioned that she had a grandson the same age as you, Camilo, if I remember his name correctly, she's going to introduce you to him at the party,"

"You told her about me?" I asked.

"Of course I told her about you bebita! You are the most important person to me!" She said, crushing me in a hug with lots of kisses.

{Bebita-baby girl}

"Ma!" I said, laughing.

"You know, I want you to be hanging out with people your age other than Ben, not that there's anything wrong with him, it's just, he's very focused on his work these days and you seem to be alone a lot,"

"Wow, thanks ma, I'm a very lonely girl in need of friends desperately!" I said sarcastically.

"But in all seriousness, I don't mind being alone, so you don't have to worry ma," I assured her.

"Ok sweetness, but you'll tell me if you need anything, or just want to talk, you know I'm always here for you," She said, pulling away from the hug and tucking strands of my hair behind my ears.

"Of course," I said, finishing up the last bites on my plate.

"Aren't you going to have seconds?" Ma asked me.

"No, I'm trying to get rid of my chubbiness (If you're not chubby, just say that you're not that hungry, all bodies are beautiful and you should love yourself!) And I'm not hungry anymore," I told her, washing my plate and fork.

"You're spoiling your dinner with those candies! Necesitas comer mucha comida!" My mom said pinching my cheeks.

{Necesitas comer mucha comida-You need to eat lots of food}

The way you tease me (A Camilo x Y/n love story)Where stories live. Discover now