Chapter 33: Parrot

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(I can not believe it, the one person I don't want in my class HAS to be in my class. Nothing wrong with him, he just makes me nervous. He's the only one who kinda knows I'm really weird, and so guess what, I'm too embarrassed to face him! It's gonna be great, I know NO ONE in my class and am now freaking out. If you're wondering, I'm starting my second semester so new classes new faces. Great right? Ugh, IT'S DRAMA CLASS! IT'S WHERE I HAVE TO BE WEIRD! I can't do it anymore, I'm hiding in a closet and writing Camilo fanfics for the rest of my life. Here's another chapter! Enjoy!)


I woke up to my stomach growling. Guess we slept through dinner. I carefully maneuvered out of bed, careful not to wake Y/n up. I snuck downstairs.

"I thought it'd definitely be at least a week before you two shared a bed again, I own Dolores pesos now, thanks for letting me down Camilo," Isabela said, storming out of the kitchen. I turned my nose up at her back.

"Why does she have to be so heartbroken over a guy she didn't even like in the first place?" I asked Julieta.

"Oh, no, she's just lonely now, she feels like she's not getting attention, and to her, attentions the sun and she's the flower," I shrugged it off, if she was going to be a grump, she could do her own thing, I didn't need to get involved. I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and sat on the counter. Julieta clicked her young and patted me off the counter.

"Fine! I'll go back to my room then! Jeez," She pulled me back by the collar of my shirt.

"Bring this for your wife," She said, putting two rolls of bread in my arms and then letting me go. I gave her the stink eye while she just smirked and got back to cooking.

"Hey, you should take a break sometime, you're always working," I said, realizing how hard she worked to keep the village and her family happy.

"Nonsense, I love cooking, cooking is my break! Don't you worry about me dear, I love cooking almost as much as I love my husband and you love Y/n," I gave up on trying to be nice as soon as she teased me again. Only Y/n could get away with teasing me non-stop. I hurried upstairs where I found Y/n still peacefully asleep. I set the rolls on her head and waited.


Freshly baked bread, I was dreaming of bread. I woke up hungry. Camilo was looking at my head and I put my hand up, feeling two rolls of bread. He laughed.

"Why is there bread on my head?" I asked confused, sitting up and taking a bite out of one of the rolls.

"You grew them overnight," He chuckled, brushing crumbs out of my hair.

"Hm, sure. I need to go home today, my mom probably knows where I've been but she doesn't want me over here all the time, plus, I need to take a bath," I said. Camilo sniffed the air.

"You could definitely go for at least a month more, please, stay here!" He said.

"You're getting so clingy," I teased.

"I can't help it! Being without you is like walking around without the sun!"

"Don't act so miserable, you can probably hang with my mom while I take a bath and get some new clothes, and then maybe you can ask permission before kidnapping me again," I said, tapping his nose. I finished the first roll and started the second, getting out of bed and his arms. Shoot, my period!

"I'll be back," I said, going to the bathroom as calmly as I could. When I checked I sighed and did a silent celebration. It was a short one this time! I didn't have to suffer through it any longer for a long time! I went back to Camilo's room and finished my second roll which I had left on his bed.

The way you tease me (A Camilo x Y/n love story)Where stories live. Discover now