Chapter 22: Dragon

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(Hello! I hope you are having a wonderful day/night! I saw that some people liked the video's that I put at the top of the chapter and I just wanted you all to know that the reason I haven't been doing that is because I'm writing this in school and I have a lot of nosy people around me. I'm happy that you are still reading, so thank you! A lot of you are so supportive and so thank you for that too, it really makes me feel good about my stories! I love you all, enjoy the chapter! <3)


"He's here!" A woman in a white labcoat panicked. A man with a clipboard and a similar white lab coat and goggles came up to my dad. He cleared his throat.

"Ah-hem, so, as you've heard, the growing serum is way stronger than we anticipated and the dragon is now starting to hatch. We have yet to identify the gender or characteristics it may or may not have. I'll show you to the egg," The guy said. We followed him to a room with glass walls. Inside displayed a smooth cloudy coloured egg the size of a basketball. It started to shake and then settled down a moment later. Other scientists in white lab coats typed on laptops and wrote on clipboards while monitoring the egg. I put my hand up to the glass.

"How..." I started.

"It's quite a lengthy explanation we don't need to get into, it's going to hatch and your face will have to be the first it sees in order for it to imprint on you," The scientist said. He held a glass door open for me and I walked in. The egg started to move more violently the closer I got.

"Touch my shell," I heard a male's voice say. I turned to look at my dad and the other scientists who were now pointing at the screens in awe.

"What did you say?" I asked. They looked at me confused.

"Touch my shell," The voice said again. Ok, this was not cool.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am your protector, touch my shell," Huh, so the egg was talking to me. Was I going crazy? I wanted to touch the shell now, my hand itched.

"Umm, I'm going to touch the egg," I announced. When no one objected I moved to stand directly in front of the egg. My fingertips brushed the polished and smoother surface of the cloudy white egg and it started to shake more violently. I took a step back watching spider web cracks slowly become bigger.

"It's happening!" The scientist started celebrating. My focus was on the egg which now had claws poking out of it as it tried to make an opening. Soon a small scaly hand popped out and retreated back in. The hole got bigger and bigger and the cracks started to widen around and then the top half popped off and a little silver dragon looked up at me with big shiny eyes.

"Hello mom," The baby dragon said, bobbing his head up and down.

"I'm not your mom... Wait you can talk?" I asked, fascinated by the creature.

"Y/n, who are you talking to?" My father asked from behind the glass. The dragon looked around me and started to growl.

"Hey, it's ok, calm down," I told the dragon, putting my hands out.

"I protect mom," He insisted.

"Yes, ok, you protect Y/n, I'm Y/n, not mom," I said. It tilted its head cutely.

"Y/n? Call mom Y/n?"

"Yes, call mom Y/n," I said. It carefully crawled out of the broken eggshell and stood on its back legs, holding its claws out and reaching for me. I carefully held it under the arms and held it like a child. It clung to me.

The way you tease me (A Camilo x Y/n love story)Where stories live. Discover now