Chapter 38: We don't talk about M/n

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... (Time skip brought to you by your wonderful selves <3)

Y/n tried for the next couple of days to get Antonio to let her talk to Jack but like I had told her, he didn't break the promise he had made, to be fair, I had promised to let him use any outfit he wanted from my prop room so he could dress up for the ladies. For real though, Antonio was going to grow up to be such a heartbreaker.

"I'm giving up! You can laugh at me for wasting my time now, you were right and I was wrong!" Y/n said. I smirked.

"I'm sorry, did you say 'you were right'? Now, why don't I hear that more?" I teased her.

"Because whenever you point out the sky's blue I'm not going to congratulate you on being right about something so obvious like that," She smirked.

"You're right, my rightness would overthrow yours then," She laughed, hugging me.

"What's this for?" I asked confused but enjoying the hug nonetheless.

"Because I love you," She said.

"I'm still not letting you talk to Jack," I said, making it clear that I would not be persuaded.

"Ok," I wrapped my arms around her.

"I feel like you have an alternative motive for this,"

"Nope, I just love you,"

"Are you feeling ok?" I asked putting the back of my hand to her forehead.

"I just wanted to hug you... And I just finished looking at the very large bookshelf of your baby pictures,"


Camilo looked mortified.

"You saw them all?!" He whispered in horror.

"I looked at them each at least five times, you were so cute when you were little!" He hid his face in his hands.

"I was missing one of my two front teeth for an entire year! I don't know how you see that as 'cute'," I continued to hug him while laughing at him.

"That just made it cuter,"

"Wait, do you have any baby pictures?" Camilo asked, suddenly planning something.

"I mean, my mom brought it with her when we moved here, but I have no idea where it is now. It probably decomposed in a closet somewhere," I could only hope that was the case. He looked at the door but then his smile fell.

"I forgot, we don't talk about M/n, otherwise I would be over there right now searching with her," Camilo said.

"She's probably too busy baby-proofing the house to help with finding silly pictures of her other child," I said, realizing how I sounded and hating it.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up," I said. Instead of him laughing it off, my face was buried in his hug. I held him close to me.

"Did I tell you I love you?" I asked, he hummed.

"No matter how many times you say it I'll never get bored of hearing it, oh, and I love you more, just for the record," He teased rubbing my back. His presence was so calming and happy, anyone having a bad day would instantly be cured just by his smile.

"I'm glad I met you,"

"And I you Princesa," He said kissing my head.


My heart was fluttering inside my chest and my being felt whole like I had been missing something and I had finally found it. That was how I felt with her. With every word she spoke my ears drowned out any other sound, every movement caught my eye, and there was nothing I could do to break this deadly addiction. My life without her seemed like a bad dream and imagining a future without her looked like a nightmare, she was my essence now, my meaning to life. I would do anything for her and more to make her happy... And I knew she wasn't happy, she'd never be truly happy without her mother in her life, the only person that had been there through hard times and had been the only one to lean on. She needed her mom like I needed my family.

"You need to talk to your mom," I whispered finally.

"I know," She said in a voice that I wouldn't have heard unless I was hugging her like I was now.

"Soon," She added.

"After this hug?" I asked.

"No, after we snuggle,"

"Snuggle?" I asked surprised. She nodded, bringing me to the bed and curling up on me. I laid there, stunned.

... (Time skip brought to you by my beautiful aunt <3)

After a few minutes I relaxed and we just played there holding onto each other like we were the only two in the world. I had started to play with her hair, combing my fingers through her hair. At some point, she started to drift off.

"So how soon was soon? Not that I want this to end, but the sooner you make up with your mom the better," I said, clinging to her and hoping she'd say no and just stay with me. Why did I have to open my mouth? Her hand lazily came up to my face and she put a finger on my lips.

"Shhhh," She said, holding me down with more of her body.

"Princesa, we can snuggle more after you work it out with your mom," I said, the heat suddenly turning up in the room.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fineee," She got up, pouting.

"You're gonna make me go alone?" She asked.

"I can walk you there and wait outside, but that's it," I said. She needed to do this on her own, I'd only complicate things.

"Okay, I can live with that," She agreed, taking my hand and taking me with her.

(That's today's chapter, I hope you have a great rest of your night/day, I love you all, mwah <3)

- Author Out <3

Word count: 1098

The way you tease me (A Camilo x Y/n love story)Where stories live. Discover now