Chapter 20: To me, it was never home

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(Heyyyy, so I put together a new cover for the story, I think it looks better than the last one, what do you think? By the way, the cover you see above this chapter is the cover I have for the Bruno x Y/n story I'm going to write after this one! I think it turned out great! Someone asked for more chapters so I'm planning to prolong the story the best I can, thank you for your patience and thank you for reading! I really appreciate all of you! Have a great rest of your day/night and enjoy!)


She was gone, and I would never know if I'd see her again. The only thing I had left of her was the vision of our family. That meant she had to come back... Right?


"Your bodyguard will make sure you don't run away and alert me if anything goes wrong. I have cameras everywhere and people are always watching. Please, make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, Bob, the bodyguard, will be more than happy to answer them." I looked at the bald bodyguard 'Bob' and wanted to laugh. He looked like a bodyguard from the movies. He nodded at me professionally. And I scoffed at my father.

"Ok, so what, this is my prison now?"

"No, you have permission to go around the city if you'd like, I only ask that you bring Bob with you, and I'd prefer if you'd call this your home like you did when you were younger," My father said, taking off his expensive jacket and giving it to one of the butlers.

"Pffft, this was never home, you made it a living hell,"

"You'll watch your tongue young lady, or I'll really put you in a prison, speaking of that foul language of yours, I have set up etiquette and manners lessons for you with a woman who will be coming by once a day for an hour," Just like the private tutors that would come when I was little. I already hatted it again, I never stopped hating it, I just chose to forget it, and now it was like turning back time.

"I have work to catch up on and won't be able to share dinner with you, I'm sure you remember your way around the house, I updated your room and had maids buy your clothes and other necessary supplies. I believe I told you this, but Dean is here, he's waiting in the sitting room, so go see him now," With that, my father left. Bob grunted and gestured to the living room. I sighed. Now I had a babysitter to make sure I did what I was told.

"Not much of a chatterbox are ya?" I commented, stomping up to the living room's doors. I swung them open and there he was. Dean. He had a broader chest and a more manly figure than I last saw him. His jawline was prominent and his eyes shined the same way. He smiled brightly, shaking his hair out and setting it back. He always had that silly dream to have the same hair as my dad, but he pulled it off. I couldn't help but smile back, even after all the heartbreak, I still loved him like a brother, and that was how it should have been the whole time. Despite being a little more than mad, he could still clear the mood with a hug.

"When was the last time I saw you!" He said in that British accent I always found funny. He pulled back from the embrace and looked me up and down.

"I see you've grown up quite a bit," He said with a smile. I bet that charmed all the ladies, but I wasn't fooled. I could never forget what he put me through.

"Yeah, too bad you left," The smile fell off his face and he looked at his feet.

"That was a long time ago, can we just forget it?" He asked. What?!

"Are you kidding me right now?! You leave one day, out of my life, and when you come knocking on my door years later you want to forget it?! Did you even miss me?! You could have sent me letters in between making out with your girlfriend in paradise! Do you even know how much you hurt me? How much I cried, every night because I never heard from you? I didn't even know if you were ok! And you want me to forget it? No, I don't think I will," I said. Feeling satisfied with how I left him, I made my way to my room with Bob close on my tail. Ah, that felt good, really good actually. I laid on my huge queen-sized bed that smelled of perfume and detergent. (I don't really want to describe the room because it would be my preference, so I'll let you imagine it.)

What was I going to do now? I was starting to doubt any plan of running away and taking down my father has always been impossible. So what could I do?


How long would it take for the pain to go away? How long would I feel empty? I looked at myself in the mirror while I combed my hair. Every time I thought of Y/n the aching grew more painful. I should have taken her place. I should have done more. Maybe if I had been thinking about saving her rather than losing her she might still be here.

"We're all blaming ourselves, but you still need to eat," Pepa said from behind me. She set a plate down on my desk and I sat down.

"I don't feel like eating, I want to go find her,"

"We all do, but Y/n's mom said that it would be too dangerous," My mom said softly.

"I don't care if it's dangerous, she's not safe with that man,"

"I know you miss her, maybe even as much as her mom, but refusing to eat won't help her," I started to eat even though the lump at the back of my throat made it very difficult. My mom left me alone and I leaned back in the chair.

"I couldn't even be what you needed, now I've lost you," I whispered, looking back at my reflection- well, Y/n's reflection. I shifted back into myself.


(Time skip brought to you by my fish who has long since been gone from this world. R.I.P. Tyler, the best fish I've ever had <3)

"Goodmorning Y/n, did you sleep well?" I nodded, chewing a mouthful of scrambled eggs.

"Very good, very good, do you have anything planned for today?" Sure, like I'd plan something to do with a babysitter tagging along. The only thing I was planning was my escape. I shook my head.

"Are you going to be silent whenever I speak to you? What have a done to deserve this treatment?" He asked, taking a bite of breakfast sausage.

"I hate the way you act, as if you didn't just take me from my home and family," I scowled.

"They're not your family, I am, and I already told you to forget about them," Huh, just how Dean told me to forget, it wasn't that easy. I'd always miss Camilo when we weren't together, I miss my ma the same way, along with the rest of Camilo's family who I've come to accept as my own.

"You're teacher will be here in an hour, be sure to be presentable by then," I nodded at my father.

"Yes... Sir," I mocked.

"Those lessons are long overdue I see," I glared at my plate. How dare he critique the way I act, I had basically been kidnapped by my own father against my will, why would I be grateful and act like the perfect daughter? He was lucky I didn't throw my butter knife at him, not that'd do much, he'd just stop it in mid-air. I grumbled under my breath a string of curses.

"I saw many animals at that mud house, would you like a pet? Just name it," My father said. HA! He wanted to get ME a pet! I'd ask for a t-rex if they weren't extinct so that it could gobble him up, but my father could even win against one. But, that idea was pretty good.

"I want a dragon," I said, smiling sweetly. No way he could possibly get me one of those. Their DNA doesn't even exist.

"As you wish, it may take a while to create, and you can think of it as a welcome home present!" My father said happily. He finished his plate and whipped his mouth with a napkin.

"I'll be excusing myself, I need to make a few calls to make this arrangement," He looked happy. How could he possibly be happy? I just gave him an impossible task... Didn't I?

(That's it for the day! What do you think? Was the dragon too much? Should the experiment fail or succeed? Let me know! Thank you for reading! This was kinda a sad chapter, or at least that's what I think. I hope you liked it, I know there wasn't much to laugh at... like, none. Anyway, have a great day/night! Love you all <3)

Word count: 1575

- Author out for the day <3

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