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(It's been a while but guess who's back to leave you another chapter? Me! Enjoy!)

Patricia pov:

"Shhh, I just need to go on a little walk." I told my sister grabbing my shoes hiding my sachel behind my back. It had special adventure snacks and my juice. I was going to go see the real life dragon in person today. I wasn't going to fall asleep half way there again, I was determined to make it there. I wanted to see if the dragon was the same one my mom tells me about every night before I fall asleep. I knew the way the the dragon by heart, like the back of my hand. I started down the village, waving hello to the towns people as I passed. They all had big smiles and some asked how I was doing while others continued happily with their work. I just kept on walking forward getting tired already.
"Hey, Patricia!" I recognized that voice, it was my friend Mary.
"Not right now, I'm on a mission,"
"Oh, can I come?" she asked, her shoulder length hair shining in the sun.
"It's going to be very dangerous, and our parents can't know, do you have snacks?"
"... no, but I have a snake!" She presented a baby snake wrapped around her wrist that she had raised from an egg.
"Is it poisonous?" I asked.
"I don't know, I think mom said not to eat it though, so maybe,"
"I don't think that will be helpful to the mission,"
"Wait, I have candies!"
"What kind?"
"Ok... I guess you can come, but don't slow me down." And so that's how a one person mission became two.


"All the juice is gone," I panted, shaking out a single drop from the bottle.
"I think that's all of the candy too," I sighed. It was getting too hot but we were almost there. My little legs didn't want to work anymore.
"Shhhh Patricia, I hear something!" We both stoped and listened. It sounded like... running water!
"Quick, let's go! Faster!" We sped up and pushed ourselves to get there as soon as we could.
"A river!" Mary exclaimed. We both greedily gulped the fresh water, cool to touch.
"So refreshing!"
"So tiny, I forgot how small humans were," I looked up at where the voice was coming from. There stood the biggest flying lizard I had ever seen.
"Daniel?" I called. His eyes widened and his majestic head came closer to look at me.
"And so the fifth child has been born, hello other spawn of my mother Y/n"
"Your mother?!" I asked confused.
"Did she not tell you of my making?" Mary pulled on my sleeve.
"I'm scared Patricia... I have to pee"
"Then go pee"
"Just did," the dragon raised an eyebrow
"Do your parents know you're here?" He asked.
"No, it's a secret mission," Daniel sighed.
"I guess it's my responsibility to bring you back safe then, isn't it? Come on now, climb onto my back and hold on," we did as instructed. This is exiting, mom will be able to see the dragon from her story! Mary held onto me tightly and Daniel the dragon took off.


Y/n pov:

The funeral was being set up and I was getting everything ready, yelling up every once and a while to tell my kids to hurry up and get changed. There was a sudden gust of wind that blew many decorations away and I went outside to see if it was pepa.
"DANIEL?" I yelled up in shock. The dragon landed and two small children crawled down.
"PATRICIA?!" I looked back and forth between the two. And of course mary was there too but she was already running home.
"Mom! I found Daniel today!" I can see that, where had he been all these years?
"Hi mom, it's been a while,"
"Why is that? You know you would have been welcome to live here,"
"I had to protect it," I rubbed my temple's. maybe it was just my motherly instincts but I had to hug him.
"What did you have to protect"
"The village, I live on the mountains, I keep us safe. I'm glad to see that you're all thriving"
"THE BIG FLYING LIZARD IS BACK!" Camilo came running out and so did all of my children. They stood mouth agape flabbergasted.
"Kids, meet Daniel the dragon, my son," they all giggled.
"We have a dragon for a brother!" Diego said awed.
"Yep, he protects the village from the mountains," Daniel looked proud to be called a protector.
"Speaking of which, I don't really do humans, they kinda stink, no offence, if you guys ever want to visit... Patricia always knows where I am,"
"Don't worry, I'll come see you Daniel, you do you,"
"Love you mom" and like that, he was gone again so soon.
"At this point I don't know what to tell you kids, we have to get to get ready for the funeral right now, we can talk about this later, Camila go get your shoes on please," I grabbed my hair tie and did up my hair. Camilo smirked.
"Another crazy day?" He asked.
"Another crazy day," I confirmed.
"I'll finish decorating, pepa's already helping the kids inside, go take a seat, we'll take it from here,"
"Thanks Camilo,"

(Sorry it went by so fast, but that's a little blip of a crazy time in their future. Hope you enjoyed my little piece of rushed writing. Love you)

Author out!

Word count: 929

The way you tease me (A Camilo x Y/n love story)Where stories live. Discover now