Chapter 11: Sleep

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(I heard we have a Bruno lover, so we got both in the video <3 Thank you for the 2.7K views, I can't tell you how happy it makes me to know my writing is making people happy! I know a lot of people freaked out when they saw that they'd be having 6 kids... But you gotta understand, Camilo loves kids and it wouldn't be just you two taking care of the kids, the whole family lives together so they would all help take care of the kids. And to clear things up, I'M NOT GOING TO MAKE YOU DIE! What kind of horrible author would I be if I did that? Anyway, I can't sleep, so I'm up writing this, enjoy the works that come out of my pain. I'm exhausted, have a headache, can't sleep, and have school at 9:00 in the morning. It's Geography too, I'm so dead. My mom's eating cheerios at 1 in the morning... My dad just came down to get a snack, we both have a sleeping problem. Enough about me, to the chapter everyone's been wanting since the last one I posted, sorry it's really boring, I can't think right now, but I'm posting it anyway.)


I was going to be the father of six kids... HOW AMAZING WAS THAT?! And I would marry Y/n! See, I told you Antonio! I held the vision that showed me my family. I loved each of my children already. They were so cute! I couldn't wait to meet them! Y/n was getting excited too now, after we got over the six children shock. Pepa was radiating excitement and Y/n's mom watched her daughter happily.

"Ok, I want to name the oldest Diego," I said.

"That's a good one," She said.

"The little rascal should be Camila, she looks just like you, it would be wrong for it to be anything else!" She said, peering in on the picture more closely.

"And the third... How about Pepa?" My mom's eyes were full of love for Y/n.

"You were sent from the Heaven's child," My mom said, attacking Y/n with a hug.

"You're going to be an amazing mother," Pepa said. Y/n accepted the hug, smiling with her eyes closed. I couldn't believe she was mine, she would have our children, and then we would grow old together with our children. It was right out of a movie. My mom pulled away from the hug and I took the opportunity to hug Y/n too.

"You guys are acting like I'm pregnant already!" She joked. I held her tighter.

"You mind as well be, I'm so happy, we're going to get married and have children!" She patted my fluffy hair.

"I was right, you're way too happy about this,"

"Well, it's like a dream come true, Mi Amour," I kissed her cheek and someone pulled me back.

"Do I get a hug too?" Y/n's mom asked. They embraced and it was a sad, yet happy moment. Y/n's mom looked worried and stressed, but also happy for her daughter, while Y/n was seeing her future a little more clearly and accepting it slowly. My father patted my back.

"I'll give you a good tip, women are always right, hijo, never fight them on something, you'll only lose,"


"Wow, thanks dad, I'll take that to heart,"

"Good man," He said.

"I'm going to be a father, was this how you felt when we were born?"

"You're so young and experiencing it early, but I promise parenting is going to be the most amazing and terrifying experience, get lots of practise with other kids so that you're well prepared and not doubting yourself as a father. As they grow up, you'll see how amazing life can be, when you grow up with Y/n, you'll learn that no man could possibly live happily without his partner."

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