Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Jade's POV

        I sat in English with a smile on my face. Another 100% on my paper. Our paper was on our choices of love, so that was obviously an easy topic for me. After the bell rang, Collin walked over to me.

"Hey Jade, what did you get on the paper?" He asked.

        "An A+!" I say flipping my now black hair. I dyed it almost every three times a month so I could find the perfect color. I liked black.

"How? The classed averaged a C+!"

"Easy topic"

        "What did you get on the Bio test?" I thought about his question for a minute. I'm one of the smartest kids in my grade, it's an embarrassment that I got one question wrong. 

"One wrong...that's the worst this year!"

        "Study much! Wow I only got a D on that test, and I actually tried to study this time" I laugh and he smiles at me. I love his smile. 

        "Well I got a lot of time on my hands..." I reply. I don't want him thinking I'm a freaky nerd. The fewer people know, the better.

"If you have so much time how would you like to go out with me tomorrow?"

        I hid my scary happy girl smile,"I might have speech or soccer practice, but I think I can make it by seven."

"Seven is perfect. I have hockey till six so that works."

        "Okay, sweet! talk to you later!" I smile at him and walk away with the biggest smile on my face that I ever had.

(Later at Jades house)

        I walk into my room laying my cello case next to my bed. I played so many instruments I lost count. I play; Tenor, Saxophone, Flute, Oboe, Saxophone, Bassoon, Bass Clarinet for band. When they needed a solo for band, I needed to be prepared for any one.

        I also play Cello and Viola for orchestra. That's why I knew Collin so well. I had first chair for Cello, and he had second so we got to do a lot of solos and duets together. I set up to practice in my room after my snack. I put my music together and get my cello ready. I move the bow slowly then let my fingers do the rest. I knew this piece so well I closed my eyes and listened.

Then my phone rang.

        "Dammit!" I yelled. I grabbed my cell and looked who was calling. The caller ID on my phone said: Ass wipe. Ass wipe.... Ass wipe.... Oh Dominic! I answered. "Hello?"

        "Have you seen Vicki lately. She was going to meet me by my place at seven but she never showed up."  He sounded worried, I guess he really likes her after all. Wait, it was already seven How long had I been playing?

        "No I haven't- oh Dom it's her call you back" I didn't give him time to answer. I quickly ended the call and answered Vicki's.

"Vicki! Dominic is worried sick about-"

        "Jade! Please help me!" She screamed. My heart starts racing. Vicki never gets sacred, she also never asks for help. Oh God, what the hell is going on?!

"I'll call Nine One One!"

        "No you can't! Just come and get me! Please!" Vicki says quickly. I hear a loud bang and another scream from Vicki, then the line goes dead. 

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