Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Jade's POV

"Collin," I had called Collin and told him what was going on. My heart continued to race as I was talking in a weak voice.

"Jade I don't think you should go out there."

"I have to find her she's my best friend."

"Jade please don't."

"Goodbye Collin," I said with a tear in my eye.

"Jade dont-" I hung up. I got in my car and went to Vicki's. I pulled up to her green house to see her red Audi in her driveway. Her white cat walking around in her green yard. She loved that cat. No, she still oves that cat. Vicki is alive. I picked up her cat Winter and got in my car. I set Winter in the passenger seat, and he got all cuddly on the seat. I gently pet Winter's soft head and backed out. I had no idea where to go, so I drove.

I drove down the highway with tears. I pulled over to the side of the rode and threw up the snacks I ate before I left. I now had a headache. After I was done I got back in the car and drank my last bottle of water. Tears still streaming down my face. I didn't know what to do I was stuck. I found my phone and looked at all the missed calls.

4 From my brother Devin.
6 From Dominic.
7 From Rose.
15 From Collin.

My mind was spinning now. So I called Rose.

"Jade!" She said.

"Rose, I don't know what to do." I said crying. I couldn't stop. Hot tears were streaming down my face. Winter started to meow loudly, which didn't help the situation.

"Everyone's at your house just come home."

"I have to find her Rose! She's family!"

"Come back home," Rose said in a calm weak voice, "Collin called the police so they can find her, Jade just come home"

(One year later)

"The one year anniversary of Victorian Smith, who went missing last year. There was no sign of her. The police later investigated and found out she was being abused by her older sister, who also had gone missing," the new reporter said.

"Turn that shit off Devin" I said angrily. He turned off the TV and walked into the kitchen where I was making breakfast. My little brother was now in Sixth Grade. He was no longer a small child but had grown the be 5" 11" tough football playing boy. His hair was buzzed and his brown eyes sparkled. I set his plate of over easy eggs in front of him.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Its hard.." I said my eyes closing my head hurt. My heart broken.

"That's what she said." I shook my head and laughed. Little Devin can be very inappropriate at times, but you got to love him.

"Naughty boy." I dropped him off at school and had now parked my car at my school. Everyone gave me a look of sympathy. I saw Collin and he gave my a hug. I haven't talked to him since I decided to quit Hockey and asked him if he wanted my old equipment for his younger sister. We never did have that relationship I wanted after he caught me with weed at a party.

"How are you," he whispered in my ear. Not breaking the hug.

"I feel like shit Collin," I started to cry. I could have had a decent relationship with him if I wouldn't have lost control.

"I'm sorry. For that night when I called the police, I should have gone and found you and stayed with you I'm sorry." I heard sympathy in his voice.

"Its okay," I said and we broke the hug.

"See you later," he said walking away. I had to go back to my car and I saw the worst thing I could ever see.

"Dominic, what are you doing?" I asked. Dominic was looking at a picture of him and Vicki sitting on a bench. He looked though the window and smiled at me. He then opened it a crack, "Isn't it wonderful rainy day Jade?"

"Go home Dominic. Get some sleep your a wreak." His brown hair was shaggy and he had bags under his eyes. He looks horrible.

"I had just got her back, then she killed her."

"Vicki's sister didn't kill her, Dominic. She could still be alive." He through the picture on the floor and pounded on the steering wheel, "She's dead!" He screamed.

I saw that he was hurt. Ever since Vicki gone missing, Dominic pretended nothing happened. It was sad to see him that way, but now he finally just broke.

"Go home Dominic. I'll come over after school okay?" He nodded his head and slowly backed out his car to head home. I watched him drive away. I then felt someone grab my hand.

I turned to the left to see Rose giving me a weak smile. Rose always tries to find the good in every bad situation. Although her smile could fool anyone, it didn't fool me.

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