Chapter 25

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I fret nervously in the car. Hayden called me up asking me to meet him in his office headquarters and had Ben pick me up.

That part I didn't mind quite as much. As it turns out I was beginning to miss his kind eyes and warm smile.

"All okay there, Miss?" Ben calls back looking at me through the rear view mirror.

I give him a polite smile.
"I am doing well Ben, thanks for asking." I say, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

He shakes his head lightly, the smile never leaving his face.

"Mrs. Knight I am not sure if what I am to say is over the line and if it is, I apologize but if there's one thing I've picked up about you is your endless compassion, kindness and strength. And because of it I know, that there's nothing that you won't be able to survive."

I find myself dumbfounded at that feeling an immediate loss of words as I choke up with emotion.

"I apologize if I stepped over the line." He says again, his face still radiant with warmth and I find myself softly mumbling
"Not at all, Ben."

We fall into comfortable silence after that, as I brace myself for the looming situation Hayden and I have to deal with.

Why Hayden is helping me through a mess that is entirely mine, I have no idea.
And more importantly, how Hayden got roped up into the massive Marshall family screw-up is still a little black spot for me.

But it's alright I guess. Today all these other questions will be answered as well. I know now I can count on Hayden to not leave me in the dark.


Entering into Hayden's office floor, I take a deep breath as I leave the elevator.

The receptionist doesn't give me shit this time as I hit her up with my most no-nonsense look.

I stride confidently over to his office and hesitate for just a second as I raise my fist to knock twice at his door.

I don't know what to expect out of today.
I've had a series of days filled with things I would not have seen coming even in a thousand years.

On getting no affirmative response, I knock gently once more and softly open the door.

Hayden isn't even at his desk, as he stands facing the huge glass windows in his office, staring intently to the view outside.

I wonder what he's thinking, what he's feeling as he stands there in all his might, in all his power, and in all his authority that no one would dare question.

His very stance so intimidating, so very lethal that I can't help but notice the sharp contrast to the Force standing in his office, contemplating and the man who was so soft, so gentle with me last night.

As I stand there thinking of how to break the ice, not a second later, a stunning redhead enters my vision and my jaw quite nearly drops on the floor.

Thick voluminous mop of red hair cut stylishly short attached onto what seemed to me like the longest legs any woman could possibly have.
Clad in a skimpy, low cut, sexy black leather dress that spilled more than half of her boobs and well all of her caramel legs she walks over to where Hayden was, quite literally launching herself on him from the behind.

I don't even know how I didn't spot her immediately. I don't even know what I am to do now.

Of all the things I was preparing myself for today, this was not it.

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