Chapter 4

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" Well, it's different because we're having dinner with the Knights, Aves, that's how" she grins gleefully as my heart drops in my chest.


I am currently sitting on my bed, tensed and shocked, and the news of the family dinner is not sitting easy on me.
I look over to Olivia who's busy rummaging through my massive collection of denims, oversized tees and track pants to find something that'll be elegant enough for the evening.

She digs deeper into the untouched sections of my wardrobe and exclaims satisfactorily,
"AHA! I knew this one was lying around somewhere!" She exclaims gleefully.

"Avery Hailey Marshall" I roll my eyes at her dramatic tone
"I present to you the lovely, stunning, extremely gorgeous evening dress with the most beautiful pink and beige hues" she exclaims, and despite her being so silly I couldn't help but admire her energy"

That's when it hit me.
"OLIVIA! YOU SHOULD MARRY HAYDEN INSTEAD OF ME!" I exclaim, not believing that I didn't think of this sooner.

She stops dead in her tracks and turns over,
"What's that now, little sis?"

"You should marry Hayden" I repeat again more excitedly.
"It'll be perfect you're both the same age, and you'd look GREAT together and the media will have a field day reporting about the bad billionaire in love with the gorgeous model, it-"
My rambling was cut out by her exasperated tone,
"Aves, listen to me, I can't marry Hayden, I just can't. Besides the Knights specifically asked for you" she huffs out, a certain edge to her voice.

"They what?" I ask not believing this.
"Since this marriage is being done solely for the sake of business, they decided they'd like to have the daughter with the actual business degree" she laughs out, but I could still detect the edge to her voice.

I want to ask a lot more but I resign back to sulking in my bed when I see her beaming at me holding a nude pair of strappy heels.

"Come on now, Aves; I know what you're thinking BUT I am pretty sure you'll be able to survive one dinner in heels and not pass out" she lets out playfully.
I huff back to her in response.

Standing outside the massive Knight Residence, I couldn't help but feel intimidated. The residence oozed of glamour and class and all I could think of was, there's no way an enormous and bashful place like this could fit someone like me within its walls.

We were ushered towards the door, and immediately greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Knight.

My parents exchange pleasantries with them and Mrs. Knight engulfs me in a bone crushing hug.
"Hello Mrs. Knight, it's a pleasure to meet you" I let out shyly
"Nonsense, please call me Helen dear, I'd like it very much" she exclaims.

Not allowing me to respond my dad immediately steps in,
"And when can we have the honor of meeting the young Mr. Knight, himself?" My dad asks in a voice so sweet I almost gag.
"I must apologize on my son's behalf, he's running a little late but he should be here anytime now" Mr. Knight responds in a tone that makes me want to run away from here as fast as I can, in these wretched heels.

That's how uncomfortable I was; I was willing to run. In heels.
It may not seem like a big deal to many, but I never indulge in any form of physical exercise, let alone running. So I found it a little funny.

My peaceful inner monologue is interrupted, quite rudely, dare I add; by me father who's shooting daggers at me for zoning out again.

Finding the atmosphere too thick for my liking, I excuse myself to go to the restroom after dinner.
A young maid guides me where I need to go and I welcome the silence in the restroom as opposed to the heavy conversation being carried out in the dining table.

I stand in front of the mirror and stare at the reflection looking back at me.
My dress was pretty and I know my heels are expensive and Olivia had kept my makeup simple and breezy. My brown hair was let down loosely in soft natural curls and my lips glistened with a pink tint that was also flared lightly around me cheeks.
Although I didn't see the point of that, I have a very embarrassing and very dominant blush that creeps all the way to my neck and face every single time I am mildly uncomfortable or even if I receive the most insincere of compliments. Yes
It's just how it has always been.

I wish Olivia would have come along too, so I would've had some support but she backed out from this wretched dinner because she was severely jet lagged and needed to catch up on her 'beauty sleep' or she'll pass out in front of everyone. Her words not mine.

I realize I cannot Spend the entirety of my time here in the washroom (although I certainly wished I could), I take a deep breath and step out.

Except now I don't remember which way I came from. I let alone a low groan, extremely annoyed at how glum the evening was turning out to be.
I take a deep breath and turn left and I hope with everything I have that I took the right turn in this massive massive house.

I hurry quickly, the best I can manage in these ridiculous heels and barge face first into a wall.
Seriously? This is just what I needed.

I try to brace myself for the fall, which never comes and instead big strong arms wrap around my waist holding me down steadily.

I slowly blink open my eyes only to look into the most dazzling set of blue eyes I had ever come across. They were beautiful. I could tell there were swirls of stormy green in the mass of blue and it was so mesmerizing I couldn't look away.

Hold up. Wait a minute.

I gasp as I realize who was holding me so firmly and so close.
"I- I got lost, I am so sorry" I fumble nervously trying to get out of his grip.
He doesn't break the eye contact as his arms loosen from around me and I realize I should have steadied myself before that because I felt my feet wobble and I begin loosing balance, again, only for him to grab me like he did a few seconds ago. His scent washes over me, and he smelled like an intoxicating mix of cinnamon and pine leaves dressed with some expensive cologne and I know I have begun flaring up.

I am embarrassed. No scratch that. I am beyond embarrassed. This cannot be happening.
I don't dare look up at Hayden as I feel my face flush out with the treacherous red that wastes no time in making itself known.

"Avery Marshall, isn't it?" He lets out smoothly. His voice so deep and velvety that I am forced to look up. My name rolling out of his tongue so smoothly that I simply nod, not being able to form any actual string of words.

"You're going the wrong way, come I'll take you back." He says, loosening his grip once again but not without making sure I was steady this time.
He guides me along and I try to focus at  which way we're going back but all my mind seemed to register was how he had placed his hand firmly at the small of the back, not letting go.


Avery and Hayden FINALLY meet, what did you think of their first interaction ever?
Also, isn't Avery just adorable!
Sit tight folks, lots more is coming your way ;))
Please vote and let me know how what you think of Hayden, I'd love to read your comments!

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