Chapter 1

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm ringing.
I sigh and make my way out of my bed heading towards my washroom.
I take a quick shower, washing away the sleep and the grogginess and pick out a simple white tee with grey tracks as my runway-model-type look for the rest of the day.

My sister Olivia, who unlike me was actually a runway model would have a fit looking at my choice of clothes and my absolute disregard for designer handbags and shoes.
Her words not mine. I giggle just thinking about it.

I make my way downstairs to our massive kitchen where I find the breakfast table already set and my mom and dad at their designated seats.
"Come Avery, we have things to discuss" my dad speaks out as I pull out my chair.
I look at him questioningly and I don't bother hiding the clear surprise from my face by the fact that he chose to acknowledge my presence today.
I grab a piece of toast and I am buttering it when my mom places a hand on my thigh, gives me a soft look and that alone freaks me out.

"Okay what's going on?" I blurt out, not being able to take in the awkward tension that has seeped its way into the room.

My dad barely looks up from his cell, as he says "Come to my office after you're done with breakfast. I'd like to discuss some things with you."

My dad doesn't allow me to respond as he gets up and leaves to go to his office, leaving me more confused than ever.

I know there's no point asking my mom what's up because if she wanted to tell me anything by now she would have.

I look around the now empty table and I couldn't help but feel how plainly alone I was.
I remember being a happy kid and having a lovely relationship with both my parents but all of it sort of dwindled away as I grew up.

Now at 24, after completing business school like my dad wanted me to, I barely have a handful of people who I can count on. And it's this thought that makes me miss 'Livy and her bright, silly self.

Olivia, my older sister who's a stunner to look at with her long legs and her gorgeous face that never ever goes unnoticed.
She's only 26 and she has walked for the biggest designers and campaigned with the most prestigious labels around the world. Unfortunately for me that means she is traveling all the time and I miss her lively presence around mornings that are as dull as this one.

Deciding I was done after a single piece of toast and a peach, I make my ways towards my dads home office dreading the worst. Because I honestly can't remember the last time he specifically requested for me.

Wait, scratch that, I do remember.
The last time he requested for me was to let me know that I'll be majoring in Business and Business alone and he won't have it otherwise.
I didn't mind that particular decision of course, as I was planning to major in Business anyways but I would have liked it much better if my dad would have said that considering me and not his business which I know for a fact means more to him than me and Olivia combined.

I take a deep breath and I peep my head inside after knocking twice.
He motions me inside, still not looking up at me. Once inside, he glances at me once and sighs. Like he disapproves of my very being and how I carry myself. It doesn't matter though, he lost his word on telling me how to conduct myself after he decided I wasn't worth his time. Atleast he has a better relationship with Olivia.

"I am hoping you've heard of the Knight Enterprises?" He asks.
Which quite frankly is the dumbest thing to ask because everyone knows how the Knight Enterprise has been dominating the business world and it's stocks and trade are at an all time high and it's remarkable how Forbes listed it as the number one Enterprise in the business world right now and credited it all to the youngest CEO of all time; Hayden Knight.

Noticing my dads raised eyebrow and realizing I had been zoning out again I clear my throat.
"Uhh yes, yes I've obviously heard about them" I huff out and almost roll my eyes.

"And I am hoping you're also aware that Hayden Knight solely runs and is fully responsible for the entirety of the Knight Enterprises?"
I nod but my dad doesn't wait to see my response as he's already continuing with what he has to say.
"Well, I have been fortunate enough of getting into business with the young Mr. Knight himself" he continues.

"That's great dad" I let out, and it truly was. My dads company was going through a bit of a rough patch lately and any connection to the name Knight Enterprises alone would do wonders for us. Again I have no idea why my dad is telling me this; although I was a straight A student throughout business school, my dad never considered me seriously for anything.

I snap my attention back to my father as I realize he's still not done talking.

"— it's a great opportunity as I am sure you're smart enough to understand Avery, which is why I think we truly are blessed to carry out this business in a much more personal way which assures confidence and safety to not only you but our company as well. Everything right from the engagement to the marriage will be handled smoothly but I do expect you to be on your best behavior throughout. I-"

"Engagement?" I interrupt his long drawn out speech. "Who's getting engaged?"

My dad looks at me disapprovingly and I realize he's covered this part while I was zoned out.
I look sheepishly at him, still clueless as to why and how does someone else's marriage concern me.

My train of thought is interrupted by my dad as he goes on,
"Mr. Hayden Knight is to be engaged, Avery" he lets out and then finally and more slowly this time he says;

"To you."

Hi guys! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter. Please please please do vote and drop your comments I would love to read them!
Also, hold on tight for the next chapter, I can't wait for you all to see what I have in store for you all!

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