Chapter 27

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I stand in front of the mirror, assessing myself, this situation; everything. Major decisions will take place today. I have to be best prepared for every possible outcome. I am no more okay with being left in the dark and suddenly be informed of ginormous news. Any decision finalized, any action decided upon, any plan formulated; will go ahead only by my consent and understanding. I made sure to add that clause in the new and improvised contract, that Hayden and I had been working on for the entirety of the past week.

Its funny when I think of it now; how at the beginning I would never find Hayden at home since he was always at any given time at the office and now all that has changed since then is that I too have begun practically living in the office.

But what contract, you ask?

Well, today is the official meeting of Marshall & Co. and Knight Enterprises to decide a plan of action of how things will further proceed. I feel bitter all over as I recall father not-so-subtly proposing the idea of leaving me out of it.

No matter what I do, how many degrees I get, or how I deal with catastrophe; I will never ever be good enough for my father. I have to come to terms with it now. All my life I've been in constant competition with myself; trying to be the very best in everything I take up; and whether I realize it or not I have hurriedly agreed to everything father has asked of me all my life with little or no protest and yet I will never be enough. Its bitter and unfair and the little girl in me, feels defeated to her very core but I cant let it overcome what is really necessary. At least not today.

Hayden was very clear in that conversation with father. Saying, that there will be no meeting, no deals, no negotiation in any table seating the Marshall's and the Knight's without me sitting next to him.

Hayden. I try not to blush as the memory of his kiss comes back up in my mind. Of how ferocious he was with it at first and how soft he progressed it to. We haven't addressed it since and nothing major so to speak as happened between us in the days that followed it but I'll occasionally find his eyes on me and I'll loose all track of what I was even supposed to do or say at the time. I don't know why he produces such an effect in me and I don't know how I can be so comfortable yet nervous around him at the same time; all I know is that I like having him around me; that he trusts me as I trust him and he has never once taken me lightly or treated me with pity, there's this constant mutual respect between us that I am supremely grateful for which is why I decide I don't mind the occasional staring at me or the constant attention. Even if it does make me feel funny all over.

Giving my outfit a do-over, I am satisfied with the way I look. I have put on a smart beige work-suit with a pretty white blouse to go with the fit. My pumps match my blouse and are a comfortable fit. I leave my hair natural, pinning it at the back with just a couple of strands let loose framing my face at the sides.

I've to look confident even if I do not feel it. I open a little velvet box tucked safely in my drawer. I stare at the exquisite yet dainty little necklace that Hayden had gifted to me, the evening of our first gala together, just hours before I was-

Never mind, I think as I shrug away unpleasant memories. I had decided that I wont let what happened in that gala to ever effect or bother me ever again. It was not worth it. Instead my mind trails back to Hayden slipping this beautiful piece of jewelry around my neck. I didn't realize it then but I know now that Hayden gifted this to me so I could wear something that was absolutely mine and represented me and my style authentically; since Skylar had picked picked everything out for me.

It was the most thoughtful and beautiful gesture considering that at the time, Hayden and I, hadn't even had a single lasting conversation.

I slip this necklace across my neck and let it rest there. I don't know how I've never picked on it before but Hayden has always looked out for me. Way before we were even properly acquainted with each other. It made me smile. He made me smile.

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