Chapter 15

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I wake up feeling tired and sore. And a little bit cold.
Noticing that Skye is no longer in my room, I hop in the shower and take a quick bath and emerge out in a pair of black skinny jeans paired with a furry violet sweater.

I make my way downstairs to see Skye busy humming away in the kitchen working the stove.

"Morning, love! Thought I'd make you some pancakes for you know, last night; You do like pancakes don't you?" Skye says as she notices me, her voice light and chirpy.

"Uh sure yes! Thank you." I say smiling politely still a little worried about her.

"You're feeling better now, aren't you?" I ask softly, not wanting to pry but at the same time really worried.
She looked so lost, so vulnerable last night and my heart just went out to her.

"I am doing much better Avery, thank you. Seriously, I don't know what I would've done if I didn't come up to you." She says gratitude lacing her voice.

"You can always always come to me Skye, you don't ever have to hesitate." I say trying to sound as sincere as I felt.

"Okay, enough sappy talk, now tell me what are you wearing tonight!" Skye exclaims excitedly as she places a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Tonight? What's tonight?" I ask, not following her.

"Skye." A smooth voice calls out, making me freeze for a second. His tone laced with finality, clearly pissed at her.

"Okay Hayds, I can explain myself about last night alright, no one has to die." Skye says with mock fear but even I could tell she was definitely a little scared.

And as much as I feared for her life I was more than grateful this anger wasn't directed towards me.

"I'll deal with you later." He says, turning to leave.

"Okay now that Mr. GrumpyPants is gone we can now discuss what you'll wear tonight!!" Skyler says.

I laugh lightly.
"Again Skye, I have no idea what you're talking about." I say mid laugh.

"Remind me again, HOW do you not know about tonight?? It's quiet possibly the biggest event in the business world Oh all the luxury and all the food" she says her eyes looking far off and dreamy.

"It's going to be so awesome Avery! The whole media will be present. PLUS, it's your first big public appearance with Hayden as a married couple, they'll be a million cameras snapping away at you and ALL SORTS of people coming to congratulate you!!"

"W-what?" I squeak.

"Yes! They'll be a ton of bitches too not gonna lie, but remember they'll only be mean because you grabbed Hayden and literally all those sluts were praying all their lives to have what you have. They'll try to get their nasty claws on you and possibly my whore of a brother as well, so you'll have to keep an eye out for him, alright!"

I get up and start pacing as Skyler goes on and on about everything that was fancy about this gala and the more she talked the stronger the urge to throw up became.

"C-can't I just call in sick? They'll understand won't they?" I ask hoping the answer would be a positive yes, instead I become so flustered that I stumble by the kitchen stool and loose my balance.

Big strong arms wrap around me from the behind, steadying me and I don't even need to guess who they belonged to as Hayden's delicious cologne washes over me.

"No, you absolutely will not call in sick. Be ready by 6:30, Skye will help you get ready."
He says, with authority ringing in his voice.

Well, there goes my plan.

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