Chapter 5

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Hayden guides me along the hallways and I sneak a glance at him. Although I have seen pictures of him, they didn't do him justice as I look at him from up close.

His face sported a long and sharp nose, that lay proudly right at the center of his face, his jawline sharp and immaculate, making his face look dreamy and unreal, his hair although styled cleanly, looks a little unkempt as if he only recently was running his hands through it and I had a sudden weird urge to straighten his locks which I quickly get rid off. But his eyes! they held so much intensity, like storms of blue and green fighting each other.
I didn't think it was possible for someone to look that authoritative without even trying. He walked with grace and pride, his aura oozing of power, money, and the silent threat of what he can do to anyone who dares to cross his path.

I was busy ogling him when I suddenly realize we aren't going towards the massive dining room. My nerves start acting up and his hand that's placed firmly at the small of my back, only makes my nerves more out of control, if that was even possible.

"W-where are we going?" I manage to speak, wincing at the sound of my voice.
"Out" he says, without looking at me. Not a man of many words, this one.

I find myself standing in the humongous garden of the Knight Residence; where he abruptly stops. His whole demeanor changes visibly. Now he looks more focused. More determined.

"Why'd you sign those papers?" He asks
outright, his hand retreating from the small of my back. I immediately miss the warmth.
I avoid his gaze, awkwardly shuffling my feet. I couldn't lie to him, Olivia always told me I was the worst liar she had ever come across.
Knowing he's expecting an answer and not wanting to keep THE Hayden Knight waiting, I shrug, still not looking him.

He steps closer towards me, his one hand on the side of my face. He trails his finger along the length of my face and rests his finger at the bottom of my chin. Gently pushing it up, forcing me to look at him.
"Why did you sign those papers?" He repeats. His deep velvety voice ringing with power and authority. His eyes storming into mine, as if trying to look for the answer himself.

"I- I don't know. My dad had just broken the news to me and it was just this huge moment of weakness and the papers and my mom, I mean my mom, she had the papers and then she was in my room and I was like-"
I immediately shut my mouth as I take in the look on his eyes, feeling the immense need to slap myself for rambling off again. My face flaming with deep red all over again. His hand drops from my chin and I suppress a shiver that was making its way up.

"Fuck." he breathes. Running his hands over his slightly tousled heap of hair.

My eyes widen. He clearly wants nothing to do with me. I don't know if I should feel relieved or scared.

"Did you not want me to sign them?" I ask slowly. My mom had told me that the Knights were expecting the signed papers urgently. Why then would he not like the fact that I signed them as they had requested?

He looks at me like he's trying to figure something out and I feel extremely uneasy as I can literally feel his eyes on me.

"I am sure if I uhh talk to my parents about it, they can figure something out. And uhh you wouldn't have to be tied down to me; there's nothing to worry about really, I am sure they'll understand if we-"

"Avery." that was enough to shut me up. I can feel the treacherous red flaming my face again. I cannot believe I was rambling off again. I slowly raise my eyes to his, except this time he didn't look so serious anymore.

He looked amused.

I gulp visibly. The Hayden Knight was standing in front of me in all of his 6'4" glory and not only did he not want anything to do with me, he also found my misery amusing.

"The papers were the final deal." He finally speaks after a little while.
I look up to him quizzically.
"We have to stick to the terms of the engagement, unless of course you've  85 million dollars at your disposal for breaking away from the engagement."

My eyes widen. Holy shit. That's a lot of money.

"That's what I thought" he mumbles to himself. But I catch him saying that anyways.

"Here." He says, handing me a deep blue velvet box.
"Wear it now." I open the box to find a huge glittering ring. It was encrusted with a huge diamond right at the center, and little crystal rose quarts surrounding it giving it the most exquisite look. Even the ring band was fitted with dainty little diamonds. I stare at it in awe. There's no way I can slip something that dainty and expensive on my fingers.

"Is the diamond too small?" He asks, noticing my reluctance. I stare up at him wide eyed.

"T-too small?? It's huge" I exclaim.
"I am sorry, I cannot possibly accept a ring as expensive and exquisite as this one" I huff out in one breath.

"Wear it. Now." He repeats, his eyes looking confused as to why would anyone be rejecting a ring as beautiful as this one.
"I can't, you must understand-" I attempt to explain again before he cuts me off.

"Wear it or write me a check of 85 million dollars right now." He says, the finality in his words ringing my ears.
I look at him once again, before opening up the box again.

I remove the ring from its cushion and slip it gently into my finger. It was a lot more heavy than I had thought it would be.
I look at him again, and he looks satisfied on getting the job done right.

"Good." He says softly and I marveled at the way he spoke.
And without saying another word, he places his hand at the small of my back again, guiding me back towards the dining room and I hoped with all my heart that he wouldn't notice the treacherous red that had flared all over my neck and face that had made its appearance without skipping a beat.

As we make our way into the room, all four sets of eyes snap at us, and I unknowingly shift closer to Hayden not liking the attention that was being thrown my way.

If Hayden notices that, he doesn't comment on it. Much to my pleasure.

"There you both are. Took you long enough." Mr. Knight says politely.
Not knowing what to say I only smile back at him.

"My my dear, the ring looks marvelous on your hand. Does it fit right?" Mrs. Knight enquires.
"Y-yes. Yes it does." I respond back softly, noticing how Hayden has retreated his hand back.

"Well I think it's time we get going now" my mother exclaims.

"We have much to do, and much to get started on. It was a pleasure doing business with you" my dad chimes in, shaking hands with Mr. Knight and I wince at his statement realizing how everyone in this room really did consider this to be just another business contract. That's all this was to them and I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself.
As we were making our way out I exchange a polite smile with Mr. and Mrs. Knight who mentions once again to just call her Helen. I notice neither Hayden nor Mr. Knight shared the same warmth and love that Helen bore.

Right when everybody had turned to leave, Hayden softly picks up my hand. My eyes widen at the gesture. Again, if he noticed my reaction, he doesn't say anything.

"It was lovely meeting you, Avery" he says in his deep masculine velvety voice.
And before I could respond he had already dropped my hand and turned to walk away.
I watch his retreating figure for a second longer and turn to leave too.

I hope you loved this chapter as much as I loved writing it. Tell me, what do you think of Hayden so far??? Isn't he the perfect gentleman? *sighs dreamingly*
Anyways sit tight for there's a LOT more coming your way!!
Lots of love.

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