Chapter 32

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I walk hurriedly the only coherent registration in my mind being I have to get far far away from here.

I hear the click-click of heels against the floor hurriedly following me but I couldn't care less. I didn't want to deal with any of this anymore. I didn't sign up for this and neither do I deserve any of it.

"Avery. Stop." Olivia calls out from behind me.

She can go to hell.

"For Godsakes A, stop being such a baby."

I turn around in my heel, not believing her.

"I am the one being a baby about things? Me? You know what O, you can go to hell."

"You're just mad that even Hayden doesn't want to sleep with you."

I freeze. She's become fixated on him lately. Earlier it was her shares, then her position at the company. All of that I understood. But Hayden had become a staple on her tongue now and I've ignored it for as long as I could've. But right now, I could punch a wall. And wince in pain, and see the bruise forming slowly but I could so punch a wall.

"You know I am right A, you know he wanted to give me the ring you wear so bashfully on your  hand, displaying it for anyone who wants to see but rather all it really is, is a reminder that he wanted me and had to settle for you." she pouts mockingly.

"Olivia what is the matter with you? Why are you being like this. Since when have you become like this? With all the lying, the cheating, the stealing, the comments; I mean, what went wrong?"

"Don't act like a saint A, you took everything from me so you don't get to sit on your high fucking horse and give out morality lectures." she snaps at me.

"I took everything from you? Every single thing you lost is because of you! Not me, not anyone else but because of you! Hell, I was the one beaten down and attacked BECAUSE of you; I could've died because of you, th-they could've killed me Olivia, do you not realize that? And you're the one who's mad? I was on crutches for weeks, you didn't even come visit me!"

"Oh boo-hoo poor Avery tripped in the park, and Olivia didn't go visit her, clearly she is the villain; cry me a river A, you're fine now, it wasn't even that big a deal."

"Tripped in the park??" I could not believe her.

"Yupp, just like you tripped over my life, bought my shares from under me and stole my would-be fiancé"

"excuse me, your what?"

"I am the older Marshall girl, I am his age, and it was gonna be a done deal before somehow the Knights got to know about my unfortunate gambles, as mom calls it. And you sweep right in, saving the day and getting married to him, living my life and calling me out?? While I was put on fucking meds, you were put straight on the fucking bed with him but even he didn't fuck you did he? How could he? Look at yourself; underdressed and hideous; I guess despite everything, that didn't change."

"Olivia what-"

"And don't even pretend like you understand what I am going through, or what I've gone through okay, everything you've and everything you've ever had has been handed to you on a goddamn silver platter; while I had to surgically remove my bottom two ribs so I could've a slimmer waist, that I wouldn't have gotten my dream Paris project if I didn't agree to the demands of the sleazeball photographer, that I've had to fix my nose, my lips, my boobs; every-fucking-thing so I could be the face of fashion and yet everyone I know goes on and on about you getting into this business school, and you getting that honorary degree and you marrying the most powerful man there is and more of you, you meaningless little bitch, you were supposed to be my little sister! But turns out you're just a backstabbing opportunist, power-hungry vulture who couldn't wait to replace me!

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