Chapter 11

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I look at the vixen sitting in front of me, winking and leaning suggestively oblivious to the meeting going around her.

Stacy Gilbert, daughter of Robert Gilbert, a man as unfaithful and untrustworthy as his daughter.

Currently they've been wasting my time, trying to coax me to invest in their company. As if.

Their company is worth nothing and they've only made it as far as they have because Stacy here has a way of seducing people. The same reason due to which her sick father has brought her in here today.

I give her a once over, wearing clothes skimpier than what one would wear to a club, hugging and enhancing her large breasts and a dress so short that the slightest uncalled movement would send her dress riding up her ass.

She's hot I'll give her that, as she twirls a strand of strawberry blonde hair not taking her eyes off me.

The meeting's over, we shake hands and I leave immediately not wanting to spend another second with that lowlife who calls himself a Man.

I walk into my office and send a memo to get Sam.
Sam is my closest friend and probably the only guy I know who's not smothering me for my money. I know him since I was five, and no matter how much I try getting rid of him, the dude has never budged.

He works as the Chief Operating Officer for Knight Enterprises because not only is he the best person for this job, there is no one I trust more.

I stand in front of the massive window, and before I can help it, the image of Avery standing in front of me looking as pale as a ghost, makes its way into my mind. I remember how terrified she was of the mass of media and paparazzi that she peered at nervously from above.
Which was something I absolutely did not understand. I thought girls loved being at the spotlight and being the center of attention. But she looked like she would never leave my office if it meant she had to face the cameras.

It was all an act, I am sure. Her father must have probably trained her to be like that. I know Olivia, and she's just like the rest of these models, if not worse.
What's to say Avery is any different?

But this thought leads me to what happened in my library yesterday. Her eyes as wide as saucers and her chest heaving up and down and her face flushed a bright red as I held her in place. She was so tiny though, I was actually scared for a second that if I'd hold her any tighter she'd snap. She was just so very tiny.

Fuck. I have had a drink too many because now I can't stop thinking of the honey eyed brunette.

I don't know much about her but I know she is terrified of me.
Good for her. One wrong thing and I could ruin her and everything that she stands for.

Yet I couldn't seem to understand her. As terrified as she was of me she still asked not to fire Julia.
She was so terrified, I could see her shaking as she limped uncomfortably on her poorly swollen ankle; she still managed to nervously stammer out to not fire that old woman.
Why the fuck does she care whether I fire her or not? What is in it for her?

Nobody asked for anything without expecting something else in return. It's always give and take and more often taking away more than giving. So what the fuck will Avery Marshall Knight take from me?

The door opens signaling that Sam's here and I try to shake away the image of Avery clutching onto me.

The clicking of heels snaps my attention and I see Stacy making her way towards me, moving her hips sensuously with every slow step she took.

"What do you want Stacy?" I say cutting straight to the chase, I've a lot to do than to deal with sluts like her.

"Daddy was saying you didn't seem very convinced at our presentation earlier today, I was hoping I could change that." She says seductively, leaning into me.

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