Chapter 30

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Walking downstairs, my mouth falls agape in the sight that greets me.

Hayden moves swiftly and freely around the kitchen, whipping things up, frying, arranging what not. His eyes are focused at the task he's engaged in yet he is not stressed. Not being under the spot, sported a good look on him as he looks very much at home in his grey sweatpants and dark grey crew neck tee; a good break from his immaculate custom-made and insanely expensive Italian suits.
The usual weight that seems to always be looming over his shoulders that make him so frigid and alert seem to have dissipated as he turns around swiftly towards the waffle maker and carefully removing the delicious looking steaming waffles.

I sit quietly at the counter, observing him not wanting to disturb him. He is making some sort of milkshake while simultaneously chopping various types of fruits. I notice my favorite berries and my mouth waters instantly.

I am at awe how this Hayden can be the same person who is always alert and on edge ready to pounce at any and everything and not wasting time in destroying anything he seems fit. Watching him right now was a sight to behold; there was no constraint in his movements, nothing rushing him; he was here in this kitchen right now because this is exactly where he wanted to be, I realize as he narrows his eyes in focus towards the task at hand.

"You're staring." he says suddenly, his voice laced with amusement.

Dude's got superpowers; how did he know I was staring at him?

"W-was not!"

"Was so." he says turning around swiftly winking at me.

I liked him here; at home, with me. He had begun to be playful and light and although he does pull me around him more often than not; I don't find myself complaining either at the proximity or at the contact.

"Would you like some help?" I ask clearing my throat in an attempt to change the topic and save myself from further embarrassment.

"Nope" he says half-laughing, no doubt catching up on my feeble attempts "its all covered, you can just relax" he says smoothly.

Lowkey grateful he is efficient, I settle back with my thoughts; I am an absolute klutz in the kitchen and if the role's were reversed I would've been making a huge mess off of everything right now.

Before I know it, Hayden brings up plates of waffles, berries, blueberry crêpes, and vanilla milkshake, arranging it in front of me. He looks so proud, so happy even? I don't have the heart to tell him I couldn't possibly eat this much.

"Hayden you really shouldn't have done so much, this is way too much food for two people!" I exclaim.

"Nonsense, a good breakfast is a good start to any day; besides you never eat right and today is a good day to start."

"But-" I didn't have a chance to finish this sentence as he shoves his fork of waffles drizzled with syrup into my mouth; taking me by surprise and effectively shutting me up.

"Less talking Avery, more eating" he says playfully.

What's gotten into him lately?

Knowing better than to protest, I resolve down to eating; and while I was comfortably at it; I suddenly notice Hayden's beautiful blue-green pool of eyes fixated on me; a soft smile plastered on his beautiful face.
He looked absolutely breath-taking at this very second. His forehead which is usually littered with frown lines, was relaxed, his lips deliciously rosy as always, and short stubble covering his extremely chiseled jaw made him look absolutely delicious. Boy, if I had a camera I would've snapped a picture already.

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