Chapter 2

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"Mr. Hayden Knight is to be engaged, Avery" he lets out and then finally and more slowly this time he says;

"To you."


"W-what?" I let out a shaky breath.

This has to be a sick joke, it just has to be!

"You're to be engaged and married to the very successful and capable Mr. Knight. I couldn't have been more clear about this during the duration of this conversation" he lets out exasperatedly, like he is already tired of having to deal with me.

"M-marry him?" I repeat after him like a blubbering mess, hoping and praying that this is his idea of a sick prank.

Although I know my father well enough to know that he would never engage in idle conversation with anyone, let alone me. And before I can think anymore of it, I notice my dad has already begun speaking

"Honestly, Avery, you've disappointed me yet again; anyways you don't have a choice in this, all the works is already underway; it will be in your best interest to cooperate and not make a big fuss about this wedding that is, most definitely going to take place. It will do you good, if you think about our company's position and realize how groundbreaking this merger can be for us. Mr. Knight is a fine young gentleman who will always bear your best interests at heart. Marshall & Co. will benefit greatly-"

'You are marrying me off to a complete stranger because Marshall & Co. will benefit greatly from it?" I snap at him, interrupting whatever bullshit he was about to spew.

I don't give him a chance to speak as I continue,

"How dad?  How can you do this? How can sell me off like I am some commodity not worth keeping around anymore? "

"Please Avery, lets not twist this into something ugly and listen to what I've to say-"

"NO, you listen to me!" I snap

"I've had enough of this- of whatever this is. I cannot believe you thought you can decide something as big as my marriage and dump it on my head and expect me to nod and agree with everything you say! I am not a puppet and I refuse to be treated like one." I finally let out and by the time I am finished I am breathing heavily.

I have never talked back to anyone before and I am surprised I burst off the way I did but I don't even blame myself.

"Avery Hailey Marshall, you will do exactly what I ask you to do and that is going to be the end of it, you ungrateful and sorry excuse of a daughter" he bellows wildly at me, in a voice that's so loud that I almost break down at the finality of his words.

I look at him shocked and appalled that he'd speak to me like that and Without saying another word I storm out of my dad's office and dash into my room like a crazy person who has their pants on fire and as soon as my face hits my pillow I weep. I weep my heart out.

He is marrying me off, sending me away without a second thought. And for what? For a stupid business contract! I let out a frustrated scream when the door opens and my mom comes in.

And that's exactly when I realize she knew. Obviously she knew.

Theres no way my dad took such a big decision overnight and he told me that most of the works was already underway, so this has been going on for quite sometime. So obviously my mom knew.

As she makes her way towards me I silently let out "You knew, didn't you?" I hated how sad my voice sounded but I don't tear my eyes away from hers.

She looks like she expected me to sound as defeated as I did, her lips wavering only slightly. I look at her as she comes sits next to me. Her high cheekbones laying softly on her face, and her eyes a remarkable shade of hazel brown. Everyone's always told me that my mother and I share the same set of eyes, but I've always considered hers to be a notch darker than mine.

"Honey I found out just a few days before and it was too late to do anything about it by then. The Knights had already agreed and lord alone knows the consequences of backing off from your word with the Knights. They would have rained hell upon us and our business and-"

Business. Business. Business.

That's all either of them were talking about. She proceeds to say a few more things, neither of which I pay any attention to because I know they are talking on the same lines, which I've no doubts that they practiced before hand. Anything else that shes saying can be rounded off to excuses.

It was too late. What could I've done. The paperwork had already started.

All excuses.

"Avy?" she asks softly, using the nickname that she used for me as a kid.

I don't say anything, I  just look up to her, my face streaming with tears.

She shifts sadly and caresses the side of my face to wipe away one of many stray tears that had found its way down along my face and that's when I notice the folder tucked tightly under her other hand. She notices that I've spotted it and her hand freezes on my cheek as I still visibly.

"w-what are those?" I ask, already knowing exactly what stack of papers those folders held and yet  at the same time dreading her answer.

"You have to sign these 'Avy, the Knights are expecting for the compete set of signed papers by tomorrow"

I let out a low whimper and I look upto her. Shes avoiding my gaze, looking anywhere but me and that's when I realize that the only reason shes in my room right now consoling me, is to get me to sign those papers.

I wince as I notice she even brought a pen along.

"Avery, I-" I cut her off before she can throw anymore lies at me and take the papers from her. She shows me all the places where I've to sign but I am not even processing anything at this point. I've gone numb all over. I sign wherever she asks me to, her voice sounding more and more relieved that the desirable outcome had occurred and I couldn't believe that it was my mother who was holding those wretched papers for me to sign.

When my signatures are signed properly in all the papers, in all the right places she attempts to say something but I turn the other side and pull the blanket over me, firmly signifying the end of this conversation.

She sighs and then leaves. She leaves. She actually left.

She actually left me all on my own, in this nightmare, as I am curled up in a ball literally shaking.

I whimper quietly as another tear threatens to spill and I know that I didn't sign the marriage contract papers, I signed off my own self.

Hi guys! Here's the second chapter! Please vote and let me know how you're finding the story so far and sit tight for more updates!!
Lots of love

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