Chapter Two

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Author's Note: I do not own West Side Story or any element of it.


A few days later...

"I'm tellin' ya, they're already startin' to go too far!"

"I was walkin' down the street the other day an' saw their names painted all across the street. Our street!"

"I hear they're callin' themselves the Sharks. I mean what kinda' stupid name is that?"

Riff smirked to himself as he sat atop a pile of rubble mount at the demolition yard. The Jets were scattered around him. They were excited and outraged. Word was that this new gang - the Sharks, apparently - have been pushing their way through even deeper into Jet territory. And nothing got the Jets more riled than the idea of a good old fashioned turf war.

He felt a hand tug on his leg. He looked down at Action, who was staring up at him excitedly.

"What's our move, huh Riff?" he asked. Riff grinned. He knew Action was gunning to be his number two ever since Tony was out of the picture. But he knew Tony would be out, and would want his spot back once he was.

Riff rose from the ground and dusted off his pants.

"Relax, Jets," he grinned. "These clowns don't know a thing about the west side. We'll show them how it works 'round here."

"Don't it bother you that they're goin' round slapping their name everywhere like they own the place?" asked Ice.

"They can paint their name across your asses for all I care, it don't mean nothin'!" Riff laughed in response. "Look, there's a dance at the gym in a couple of days. I'm gonna meet whoever their leader is and explain everything."

"Explain what?" Baby John asked from the spot where he sat.

"Explain that this is our territory, and if we catch them 'round here again they better get runnin' for the hills."

"How 'bout we just go over there right now and beat it into them? They'll get that for sure."

Riff turned and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Cool it, Action. You know the deal. We gotta give 'em a chance. Extend a hand. Explain how it works around here and then tear them to shreds if they don't back off."

Action smiled and nodded, and Riff could tell her preferred the idea of the latter. He slapped him on the back and made his way up the mound of dirt, glancing back at the Jets as he did.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta' go see to a delivery." Riff clicked his fingers at the youngest member of their group. "Baby John, you're with me. The rest a' ya's go make yourselves useful and see if you can catch any of these Sharks in action. I wanna know numbers."

The rest scattered and darted in various different directions, glad to have a task. Baby John looked up at Riff, both in admiration and fear.

Riff smiled. Baby John had nothing to be afraid of. Riff looked out for his guys. He nodded his head towards the street.

"Let's go."

Riff and Baby John walked through the alleys that smelt like dust and urine. Baby John talked rapidly at Riff like a little bird. Riff let him, knowing that he wanted to impress and firm up his place in the gang. Baby John was still new - only just having joined after Tony got nabbed. Riff had a good feeling about him. Baby John was young and didn't know his ass from his elbow, but he was quick and useful. There was also something about him that made Riff sure he was a Jet inside. He was a little bit broken, alone, and a scared of the world. The last parts would go away fast once he felt like he had a home with the Jets, but the first part would probably be with him forever.

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