Chapter Five

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Author's note: I do not own West Side Story or any aspect of it.


The music swelled and they began to dance. As they moved together, it felt like they had already danced a thousand times before. She felt nervous, knowing what she was doing was completely irresponsible and wrong, but as they dipped and dived around each other in unison, perfectly timed, she couldn't help but smile. For the first time in a long time, it felt like she was having fun.

Riff smiled too. He moved alongside her and as they occasionally got close - just a touch away - he would feel the desire to move forward and pull her right in towards him. But it wasn't that kind of dance, and he got the feeling she wasn't that kind of girl that he could just lurch for.

They both caught each other's eye and laughed, the previous fission between them disappearing entirely.

She glanced over to the corner of the room and noticed Krupke walking around and taking in the sea of dancers. She ducked under Riff's arm and tried to turn herself out of view. Riff noticed the stumble in her rhythm and made a face.

"What's happenin'?" he asked, spinning her by the hand.

"I just don't wanna get spotted," she replied, nodding towards Krupke.

Riff turned his head to see the officer walking up to kids and sniffing their drinks. As he handed their glasses back, the youngsters walked away in disgust.

"I don't think he's payin' attention to us," he smiled down to her. "Come on, let's really get movin'."

He reached forward and pulled her towards him, grabbing her and lifting her up into the air as he had done with Grazi. Only this time, she flew gracefully and landed back down exactly where he wanted her. He grinned and brought himself backwards, working up to something big, but felt himself getting knocked in the back by another figure.

"Hey-" he spun around angrily and was met with a shorter dark-haired guy. A Puerto Rican. He was wearing a dark purple shirt and black suit - oddly dressed for a dance, he thought. Beside him, a Puerto Rican girl hung on his arm, with red lips and a flowing dress.

"Hey, yourself," the stranger replied curtly.

Riff new instantly that he was now face-to-face with Bernardo, the leader of the Sharks. He didn't know how he knew, but he did. Riff smirked at him and turned fully. He could feel Darcy begin to step out of his reach, but he grabbed her wrist gently. Nothing was going to finish their dance early.

"Bernardo, I presume," he drawled. Suddenly, he felt the presence of the Jets descent upon them. In the corner of his eye, he could also spot several Sharks make their way onto the scene. This was the meeting they had all been waiting for. Riff held his hand out. Bernardo, hesitant at first, reached out and gave it a firm shake. Riff noted his strength - the guy looked like a fighter.

"," Bernardo replied. "And you are..."

"Riff. I've heard a lot about you Bernardo. You're causing somethin' of a stir down in our neighbourhood," Riff replied, gesturing to himself and the Jets.

"Your neighbourhood?" asked Bernardo.

The girl next to Bernardo tugged on his arm. "Nardo, vamos a bailar..."

"Yeah, our neighbourhood."

Beside him, Darcy looked around. It seemed that several people around them had some to a standstill to watch. She didn't want to get involved in whatever this was, especially with Krupke around. But Riff had hold of her wrist and she wanted to finish her dance with him. Still, she had a bad feeling. She looked at the beautiful dark skinned girl hanging onto the Shark leader - Bernardo - and caught her eye. The girl looked unsure, embarrassed even that the dancing had stopped because of them. Bernardo turned his head to say something to the guys behind him, and Darcy took the opportunity to lean forward to Riff.

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