Chapter Thirteen

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Disclaimer: I do not own West Side Story or any aspect of it.


Darcy left the station the next day and peaked into her bag to check she had everything. When she was nervous, she would check her person several times to make sure she had her keys and purse. Perhaps it was a control issue, but she couldn't help it. Especially tonight.

Maybe she slightly regretted asking Riff to talk to her dad. She particularly felt bad for her father - in a way, they were ambushing him. But it was the only thing she could think to do to get rid of the constant knot of guilt in her stomach. She wanted to throw herself into whatever she had with Riff, but she couldn't bring herself to without clearing the air between all three of them.

She walked down the steps and began the journey home, knowing that Riff was near. Soon, he appeared at her side, hands in his pockets.

"How was your day, honey?" he asked in a sing-song voice. "Catch any bad guys?"

"Just the one," she said, looping her arm in with his.

At this time of day, the Jets were less likely to be hanging around the main street. Plus, with her dad now in the know, they didn't feel as on edge about walking around town with each other. Some stares caught Darcy's eye, but she was too caught up in Riff to care about strangers.

They passed Doc's, the theatre, the drug store, making the short walk home stretch out as long as they could. Darcy listened to Riff talk, enjoying his eyes light up and his smile beam as he recalled his day for her.

When they reached her building, she walked towards the door and felt his arm drop from hers. She turned around and looked back at him, seeing him standing at the bottom of the stairs. He looked up at the building and put his hands in his pockets. He almost looked unsure of himself - a sight she hadn't seen before.

"What's wrong?" she asked, getting out her keys.

"Nothin', it's just..." He looked at her. "I ain't never gone through the front door before."

She smiled and motioned for him to follow her. He jogged up the stairs, throwing his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close as they walked through the hallway and up the stairs. As they walked up the staircase, he pressed small kisses against her cheek and neck, enjoying the sound of her squeals as he did.

If he was nervous about Shrank, he didn't show it. Darcy figured he wasn't scared of anything, least of all her father. After all, they probably knew each other better than she did.

When they reached her door, she held her hand out to him. Suddenly, she felt her own nerves firing up.

"Wait here," she instructed. "I'm just gonna give him fair warning."

"Gonna tell him your boyfriend's here?" he teased, leaning against the wall.

"Are you my boyfriend?" she retorted, poking his shoulder.

"If I live through this, then we'll talk."

He gave her a smile that made her melt and she turned back to unlock the door, hiding her growing grin from him. She opened the door and slid inside, shutting it gently behind her. In the kitchen, her dad stood at the stove.

"Hey Darce," he greeted without looking over his shoulder. "Coffee?"

"Sure," she replied, hanging her bag up on the hooks by the door. She walked over and stood by the dining table, tapping her fingers anxiously on the wood.

Shrank turned around and caught her expression, giving her a double take.

"What's eating you, kid?"

She shrugged. "Nothing."

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