Chapter Nineteen/Epilogue

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Disclaimer: I do not own West Side Story or any elements of it.



Darcy folded up the last of her clothes from the back of her closet and packed them into her suitcase.

The summer was beginning to draw to a close now, and the sun had begun to set earlier. This she was thankful for, as the days consisted of endless hours where she had to be awake and the only thing she could do was relive that night again and again. The cruel laughter of the Jets, their hands on her skin, Riff's pleading voice and the feeling of his blood on her skin.

At night, at least she could sleep. If she was lucky, she sometimes dreamed of the days before that last one, where they rode on trains to the end of the world and shared a bed together. Here, she was still happy, and still an unknowing fool.

As she packed the last of her things away, she sat on the edge of her bed and looked around her room.

She thought back to the night of the dance, where she had debated so heavily about going. If she hadn't, would everything between her and Riff ever had happened? When she wondered if she would be willing to redo it all again, she grew angry at herself. Angry at the fact that she was playing around with stupid thoughts, and even angrier at the fact that she just couldn't get herself to admit she likely wouldn't undo it all, even if she could.

"Need any help in there?" her dad's voice asked through the door.

"No, I'm almost done," she replied.

Nothing else came from the other side and she eventually heard him walk away. She hasn't told him about what happened that night. All he knew was that something had happened between her and Riff. It would have been so easy for him to tell her that he was right, that Riff would break her heart eventually, but he didn't. Of course he didn't, because he was a good father.

And because of this, when she sat him down and told him that she wanted to leave New York and go back to school, he didn't argue. He didn't allow himself to be sad or to try and keep her there, because he knew it was what she needed.

"Well, I'll miss you, kiddo," was all he had said, a small smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes.

That night when Darcy sat on her bed, she felt alone.

Suddenly, she heard a sharp ping against the glass of her window. She looked toward it and saw nothing. When the sound came again, she stood up and walked towards it, sliding it open and sticking her head out. Down below, she saw Riff staring up at her.

The image of him made her breath catch in her throat. She hadn't seen him since that night. She had half expected him to turn up at some point, but had been hoping she could get away before he tried to make contact.

He gave her a small wave, gesturing to ask if he could come up. She shook her head.

He looked at her, pleading, and she turned back and gave a sigh. After a moment, she climbed out and began making her way down the fire escape.

When she reached the bottom, Riff stood on the other side of the alley.

"...Hey," he eventually said, hesitant.


"How are you doin'?"


"Good," he replied with a nod. "It's good to know you're okay. I just wanted to see for myself, y'know?"

Darcy looked towards the street, feeling a hurricane of words swirling in her head that wouldn't come out. Riff looked down and scuffed his shoes against the ground.

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