Chapter 3

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Madeline POV

"Yes coach?"

"Ummm, so uh Madeline, I just need to know about your pervious sport experience."

"I did athletics, ballet and um some martial art"

"Great, well for now I'm going to put you with the beginners just to be on the safe side," he stated as he feigned a laugh "but I'll be watching, thats all."

Walking over to the side of the room that was labelled 'beginners' was extremely disappointing don't know what I was expecting though but maybe this will make it easier to lie low?

Maybe? Anyway, this should be fun.

Peter POV

I was in a higher group to all the others which was a surprise to be honest, especially to Madeline, but I guess somehow she hasn't been recognised yet or I suppose thats the point.


Well, this should be fun'!'


"So," I began in-between panting as we finished our laps round the gym, "how'd you know Peter"

"Peter?" Madeline responded

"I didn't know that I did, should I?" I panicked

"Well he said that he knew you so maybe?"

"Interesting. You doing good there Ned? Cause your um, doing it wrong"

We were in the middle of warm up stretched and now I'm looking at what everyone else is doing, I have no idea why I'm looking like a total pretzel compared to the rest of them.

"That would explain it yeah"

Hold up, how does Peter know her but she doesnt know Peter? Have I made her suspicious now? Maybe she does know him, what if she knows him but doesn't know that I know that he know and now she knows that I know shes gonna ask Peter why she now knows that I know that he knows meaning she knows I know and that he knows.

Also, better question, Why I was so out of breath doing a basic warm up. All we had done was 2 laps and now we were stretching. And we had barely started, well the rest should be fun. Yay.


Finally the perfect excuse fight with people, hope someone takes advantage of it and does it well, cause that would be so fun to watch. Although fights in school often get broken up too fast but still, this should be so much fun.


I was wrong, its soooo boring, half the lesson had gone and there had been no good fight. High schoolers are so disappointing. Most of these people could hardly even land a singular punch, it was injuring my soul. Hold up, here comes Flash the melodramatic. I suppose I was asking for at least something for entertainment.

Madeline POV 

Basic forms, learning how to form a fist. When coach said beginners I didn't realise it would be this basic. Although saying that I guess thats kinda foolish of me

"Hello beginners, how is it over here in the loser zone," Flash laughed as he walked over. "Madeline, I take it your here since coach is just evaluating you huh, but be careful you don't catch whatever diseases they probably have."

Hmm, high school arguments, interesting. Here the insults are basic and boring, whereas before insults were sharp short and effective. What is it that they hope to achieve with these mindless sentiments. 

"Especially MJ, the bookworm here, if you are smart maybe you should say something once in a while or are you just gonna pretend to disguise the fact you've snuck a comic book between the pages of that chapter book. Madeline you met MJ yet-"

"Yeah, and actually -"

"FIGHT!" came the shout from behind. So it will be fun after all, if he can move fist correctly that is. 

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