Chapter 11

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Tony POV


"Significant blood loss caused her to go into multiple cardiac arrest. And she died at 4:42 am on Saturday," Happy sighed as he told Peter. I couldn't break news like this to the kid. He had just flung through the window about 10 minutes ago desperate to find out what was going on. 

Peter looked distressed as stared at the ground as he stuttered tried to get words out.

"But we did get her heart started again," Peter sighed greatly in relief in response, "Then, she died again on Sunday morning at 11 past 1"

"No," Peter gasped, rubbing his temple as he got up and began to pace around the room. "I can't believe this, she, she can't be gone. Why am I so emotional over someone I only just met? Dead, why dead why, why did I ask her to patrol with me, ughh I should have left her alone, stupid stupid spidy arghh" 

So thats how he found her surprised she accepted his invitation. Wasn't exactly like she was the most talkative or open of types.

"No, theres gotta be some sort of magic-y miracle thing you could do, you know like wave a wand around or something -"

"Damn Spidy, really pegged you for more of a science less of a magic guy," Madeline smirked as she walked into the room, kitted in a new blood free suit, with her mask on just like Peter.

"Happpyyyy, you really scared me, don't do that!" Peter groaned

"Well she did die, that was true," Happy shrugged

"You know what death is like, perhaps it'll be 5th time luck-"

Peter rushed over to Madeline and hugged her tightly. She stiffened a little before reciprocating, sort of. I always love messing with people.

"Ok, its a wrap, I want breakfast," I cut in. Wait 5?!  I suppose thats a not now question.

"Alright, I'm going to get back before.. You know," Peter responded. Before Aunt May realises, I know the drill.

Mads waved as Peter left and Pepper walked in, standing behind her.

"I sure hope you don't plan on getting injured again like that. We didn't even know you were gone" Peper warned angrily

Madeline removed her mask and turned around on her heels, grinning, "Well I don't plan on it, but I probably won't plan on it, for the foreseeable future at least, but no promises"

"I suppose the best I'm going to get isn't it. Especially from what I know of your aunt."

"Natasha!" Happy and I both exclaim facing each other like little kids.

"I get to tell her!" Happy shouts

"NO, you told Peter," I respond

"You told Peper," Happy whined

"Are yOu AnsWeRinG bAcK tO mE?" I gasp

"No, I'm responding, who do you think you are, my mother?"

"I'm doing it fools, you snoozed you loozed" Mads laughed as she picked up a phone

"Well how's that going to work?" Happy complained

"You think I trained to be a spy and assassin for some many years and don't know how to disguise my voice? Plus I'm going to text her from a new sim. I barely pick up your calls, you think I'll voluntarily call someone?" She grins

"Well you can argue after your out of you Pajamas, and Tony I thought you wanted food" Peper states, "Are you going to school today love?" She asks Madeline. How come she's nicer to Mads than me?? That's not fair.

"I've kinda got to, don't want to draw much more attention to myself than I already have. I'm going to get ready," she sighs, "Although, I don't see why I couldn't be homeschooled or something"

"Because you being at school allows me to keep an eye on you whilst you observe someone else," I respond

"And who might this be?" she questioned

"Zain Diaz, hes an asian latino, about 5"10/ 5"11, slim but unmistakably muscular build and someone whose about as deadly as you, admittingly however  more on the technical side of things. I need you to find him and get closer." I instruct

"For any particular reason?" she asks, "and you couldn't have said this earlier?"

"I'm not being given information in full, but you'll get more info when needed. He should be in some if not most of your classes but not all. You think you can do it?"

"It's what I've been trained to do," she nods. Then she turns around to go get ready. I suppose somethings never change.

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