Chapter 8

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But despite that, when in Queen's, I might as well go out and see what Spider-Man likes so much about this place.

I left a note on my bed, just in case and made my exit through a ground floor window just to avoid being potentially seen in any elevators. I was in my predominantly black suit with purple highlights, a Stark modification of my older suits but I modified the tracker.

Avoiding any people walking, I went up a ladder to the top of a moderately high building. And waited.


Peter POV

One of the things I love about being Spider-Man is the freedom you get with it. I love swinging through Queens and seeing my fellow people walking below me. It's a shame I can't tell Aunt May about it though.

Ned knows, which makes it a lot easier, MJ doesn't know yet and I don't think Madeline knows either otherwise Mr Stark probably wouldn't have ushered her out of the room so quickly.

I was coming up to Queens Plaza Park as I saw a black figure sitting on one of the mediumly sized buildings. The figure had purple lines all over their suit but I couldn't quite tell who it was. They had some sort of mask on their face that fit with the theme of their suit. Similar to my mask which had a web pattern and black bits by my eyes as my sort of theme, They had a predominantly black mask with purple lines running symmetrically across the mask, a purple grid like a breathing filter on the front and purple lines highlighting where their jawline and cheekbones would be. They also had a purple lightning bolt on each side of their temples. They had a utility belt around their waste and something on their wrists.

I landed on the building and began to walk towards them slowly hoping they wouldn't detect my presence. As I got roughly 6 meters (2 feet) close to them they swiftly turned around and stood up in one move.

They tilted their head slightly to the sound, not making a sound as they seemed to just watch me.

"Hi I'm - I'm Spider-man," I stuttered. Upon seeing that they probably weren't going to say anything I kept talking, "Can you nod once if you a good guy and twice if your not"

They nodded once and in retrospect I probably should have done the nodding thing the other way round but I guess it's a bit late for that now.

"Would you like to go on patrol with me then?" I asked, receiving a hesitant nod in response. Gosh I sound like a toddler, might as well of just asked if they wanted to be my friend. If there was going to be another good guy in Queens, I should definitely know them a bit at least. Or their name as the minimum.

Madeline POV

It's fun messing with Spiderman, even though all I had to do was not talk, which I actually quite like. Some people can't deal with solitude or lack of social interaction but me? Probably because I spent most of the time you're supposed to go out and talk to people in solitude, I find it better, more comforting and easier to be in, although my brain will fill in the background noise more often than not.

Thanks to the updates from Shuri and Stark this suit is absolutely phenomenal. Especially the Wakandan tech that has been incorporated in it. Spiderman took off swinging with his webs but I used the boosters in my suit and the skills I learnt whilst learning jungle survival in the red room and let's just say, a lot of arms got broken. But being stronger than you look is always better than visible muscles in my opinion.

This should be fun.

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