Chapter 15

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Zain POV

What an intriguing person. I don't quite know who she is but she's been tagged as a person of interest by Uncle, I'm just surprised my job was so easy. Whilst she's up there in the ring I suspect she may get hurt but there's nothing I can really do to stop that.

When it comes to my Uncle, what he says goes and if you want to argue well, let's just say they'll be among your last words. No second chances, no forgiveness, no mercy. I shouldn't really complain about it too much though, seeming as he's the one who actually looks after me. His sister was my mother and she died at the hand of my father because as you can see I have a very lovely and warm home life.

Inside his 'trusted' circle my Uncle does take very good care of his people, but I use that word lightly because he doesn't exactly trust people, at least not fully or often.

Madeleine looked so small in comparison to Mali. It was comical actually. Thing is Mali is one of those people who seem scary but she can actually be really nice, not that she'll admit to it in character. Here everyone has a character, a role they have to play, that's what helps this whole operation function. No one steps out of line, they just do what they have to and it all goes smoothly and everyone gets paid. Nothing more nothing less. That's all you have to do, all I need to do.

The first bell sounded, Madeleine put her hands behind her back and Mali started beating her chest. People continued screaming whilst some were placing last minute bets. My uncle loves this kind of stuff because he always gets the money, seeming as he's the one dishing out the prizes. He's rigged the game before either to prove a point or win the most money. As long as he wins in one sense he doesn't seem to care.

Mali took the first swing to Madeleine's head where she dodged seamlessly. Angered, Mali continued swinging with obvious force only to miss every time. The ring started to quieten down as people sat up a bit to watch, intrigued. My uncle held a cigar close, very stereotypical gangster style, watching closely at these two opponents.

Madeline POV

"Tired," I smirked. One thing I love about hand to hand combat is that people tend to either strike fast or slow. When it's slow it tends to be more calculated. But when it's fast it's more random and people often get more easily tired or frustrated. The latter are more fun, especially when they're bigger than me.

Running towards me swinging her fists, her sheer power caused her to run into the sides of the rings over and over. Every time she kept on trying and trying to swing as I twirled around her with my hands behind my back. I had done this a few times until it was getting slightly boring. So finally, my turn. With a simple punch to the gut pulling her over my shoulder as she leant forward onto the floor. Once she was down she quickly got back up revealing a small bit of blood on her face. Only to trip over me as I learnt over 90 degrees landing her back on the floor. A simple jab to the neck back and arms rending her arms temporarily limp

Walking to the edge of the ring Mali eventually sat back up slowly, someone else wiping her face. As I was ushered into another room as the crowd erupted shouting. As I got a simple nod from Zain's uncle as he stood up to face the crowd.

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