Chapter 14

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The door opened stiffly as I was engulfed by smoke and brought into a side room. "Whose responsibility is she?" Asked a man who was sitting at a table playing chess.

"Mine," Zain smiled from the corner

"So is this the girl you spoke of?" The man asked, suddenly interested.

"Yeah, she's the one"

"So Pequeña sombra, (little shadow) show us what you can do"

Mads POV

The room was small, but not too small. It seemed like it could double up as a bunker, which I had no doubts about the fact that it probably has and or is.

There were two sources of light, one in the corner and another small lamp on a table in the center of the room, where the two people were playing chess.

"Why?" I asked simply

In response the man got up and walked towards me, revealing his towering figure and a smirk. "Well I asked once, don't make me ask again," he grimaced. He turned around and walked through a door in the back. A cigar in his mouth he turned around slowly, grunting as he gestured for me to follow.

Inside this new room was a totally different atmosphere, compared to the quiet atmosphere in the room before this room was the antithesis. Screaming, cheering and a boxing ring, it seemed like bets were being taken as well.

"Sorry about my Uncle, he just doesn't like people," Zain whispered into my ear as he came up behind me, "Apart from me obviously"

"You come here often then?" I asked

"From time to time, not really my scene though. This is more my brothers' place to be," he shrugged

"How old's your brother?"

"Now, now, that's enough questions don't you think," he smirked before just walking off

"No, no I don't" I muttered

I walked closer to the ring to observe what looked like blood on the floor, lots of dried blood. And it wasn't a small amount.

"I hope you're ready," came an announcement from speaker phones, silencing everyone there, "Because today we have Miedo Mali, amante de la muerte!" followed by screaming, cheering and chanting. "Against the new Sombra Asesina!"

(Miedo = fear, amante de la muerte = mistress of death, sombra asesina = shadow murderess )

Everyone was screaming, bets were being taken, the atmosphere was electrifying. Miedo Mali had made her way into the ring, you could see the strength she had, and it seemed like she had been training for years. The look on her face was one of triumph and insanity. I had no doubt that she had done this many times before, and that this was just a routing beating. I pity the fool who had signed up to fight her

"You do know that you're the one who's supposed to be in there with her," a random person told me as they tapped my shoulder, "Señorita 'Sombra Asesina', look your face is even on the screen up there," he pointed. Just as he had said, to my left there was a small battered TV hanging onto the wall for dear life. "Have fun"

Slowly I climbed into the ring, only to look up and be greeted with a growl from my opponent. When she stood up straight I was eye level with her stomach. But hey what can I say, I've faced worse.

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