The Half Blood Prince

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"Avada Kedavra" Snape yelled '

A bright green bolt of light shot across the room of the astronomy tower of Hogwarts. Hitting headmaster Albus Dumbledore. 

The sky above turned green as the Dark Mark formed in the clouds. Dumbledore falling out of the tower as his life had been taken. The Death Eaters running down the stairs to the leave the tower. Harry Potter following them without them realizing he had been watching what had happened. 

The Death Eaters running into the great hall, pushing guards out of their way. Bellatrix was running along the top of a table breaking plates and glasses. Then the huge window at the hall, laughing like a maniac. 

A huge gust of wind bursting through the just shattered window. Blowing little bits of glass throughout the room. 

As the Death Eaters had headed out towards the Forbidden Forest and the hut that belonged to the animal caretaker, Hagrid, they had all heard yelling from behind them.

"He trusted you!" Harry yelled toward Professor Severus Snape as he ran towards them. "He trusted you!" Harry continued to yell shooting spells as he got closer. 

Snape blocking them, when they heard a loud bang and squealing as Bellatrix lit Hagrid's hut with flames. Harry then tried to send another spell towards Snape as Bellatrix had continued to squeal.

  "Fight back you coward, fight back!" Harry yelled sending spells that just ended up getting blocked. 

"Do not call me a coward." Snape saying back in reply. "Your father was a coward. Never coming at me unless he was with a group of other people." 

"Sectum Sempra" Harry said sending another spell to be blocked and then got hit with one. 

"How dare you use my own spells against me Potter?" Snape said as he walked over to Harry on the ground. "That's right. I am the Half Blood Prince."

The Death Eaters went running through the woods to get off school property to apparate. Leaving Harry lying on the ground caught up in his thoughts. 

As he got up to check on Hagrid, he thought about what Snape had said about his father James being a coward and only coming at him with a group. 

Harry then remembered the flashback he saw last year when he was being told how to control his emotions so Voldemort couldn't get into his mind. 

Seeing a younger Snape and James when they were at Hogwarts. "Who wants to see me pull off Snivellus's trousers?" James saying while having Snape hover above the ground. 

Harry then remembering his godfather and his fathers friend Sirius had said "Good job James." then laughing like it was a normal thing to attack Snape while he was reading by a tree. 

"Was my father really this mean?" Harry questioned to himself. "Are you okay Hagrid?" he asked coming to the little hut that was just extinguished from the flames. 

"Yeah," Hagrid said in reply. "Nothing Dumbledore cant fix right?" he said looking at the hut that was burnt but still standing. 

"Hagrid," Harry said shyly. "Dumbledore. Uh, Dumbledore is dead. Snape killed him." At the mention of Snape he thought of how his father was a bully.

After some time of explaining to Hagrid what happened to the Headmaster, they went up to the castle. Hagrid not seeming to buy the fact the Dumbledore was dead.

Harry walked up to see Dumbledore's lifeless body lying on the ground by the tower he had fallen from. Harry then picking up the locket that they had gotten hoping it was a horcrux, but it was really just fake. Harry wondering, what was going to happen now? 

MY HEART I SURRENDER - snape x lilyWhere stories live. Discover now