The Battle of Hogwarts

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Lol so I had accidently spelled Hogwarts wrong because forgot the g and so it said Howarts 
Hope that you are liking it so far, But now you might cry. Well if you cried about Snape at least. Happy Reading:)

Sorry I am still doing it at a POV right now

After Harry went running off Draco looked up at me. "Should we follow them? They are going to find my dad, I don't know what they need to find him anyway." 
We started to run after them. 

We had gotten to the docks to find them out back listening to the conversation that Voldemort was having with my dad. We stayed out of their sight. 

I went running in when I saw that my dad had been getting attacked by Nagini. "What are you doing to him?" I say running towards my dad who was now on the floor, leaving Draco outside. 
"Ah Madelynn. I am doing what I must. I need the wand and this is the only way that I can do it. After I win this war, we can do something that might bring him back but right now we cannot." he replied in his whispery voice. "If we cannot bring him back, you can stay with me or with your godparents." 

I was laying on the floor by my dad now. 
"Right now I must go. But you can stay here with your father if you would like." he said turning around and walking out the door. "Oh hello Draco. I think that your father was looking for you earlier." I heard him say as he was walking away from the docks. 

"Madelynn." I heard my father whispering when Harry had came running over. I stood back when Harry came in. I couldn't hear much until his last words. 
"You have you mothers eyes." 

I had been starting to cry when they looked at me. 
"Who are you exactly?" Harry asked as he wiped away his tears. 
"Madelynn. I am his daughter." I replied "I am Snape's daughter. Hard to explain it all but maybe you should look at those memories, I can help get you into his office." 
"Okay," Harry nodded. 

We ran off to the office and I let Harry inside. 
"Do you want me to look at them with you?" I ask. "I am not exactly sure what happened." 

"Yes, you are his daughter and you should also get to look at them." he replied "And it must be something important if he is having me look at them." 
I nodded and walked over as he poured the memories into the Pensive. 

We went into the memory like any normal one. Landing in a field, I noticed there had been a girl with bright red hair and emerald green eyes. I knew right away that it was my mother. As well as a blond girl. They had been looking at a flower in my mother's hand.  

The blond girl, I figured out was my aunt, had then started calling my mother a freak. Running off once she saw and black haired boy come from by a tree. My father. They had then started talking and I could tell that was when they became friends. 

The memory changed to my parents when they went to Hogwarts. When they had been getting sorted. My mother to Gryffindor and father to Slytherin. And my mother meeting James and his friends.
It showed a little more of their childhood. Showing James running and knocking over their books to the floor. Getting a glare from my mother. 

It soon changed to show that my mother was always at home alone because James was out at parties. Severus as well as Remus were there some of the time. 
Lily telling James that she was pregnant and her lying to him that it was his. 

After sometime it showed her in the hospital and only Severus and Remus were with her. Me and my brother was born and it showed me being taken so that James never knew about me. 
After Harry and I were born James finally decided to act like a man and take care of Lily and Harry. 
There had been sometimes that Lily got to take Harry and spend time with me and my father. 

Then that Halloween night when I was a year old my mother and James had been killed. Showing my father crying and holding my mothers limp body. 

There had been sometime showing my father and me but then changed to Dumbledore talking to him. Raising Harry like a pig for slaughter. He was going to have to be killed by Voldemort sooner or later. He was a Horcrux and was never told. 

"So when the time comes, the boy must die?" 
"That is correct." Dumbledore replied like nothing mattered about it. My father then sent a Patronus. 
"Lily. After all this time?" 

(I am listening to In the stars by Benson Boone right now 😭😭😭😭😭) 

We reached the end of the memories and Harry looked at me with tears in his eyes. 
"You are my sister?" he asked as he realized who I really am. I nodded. He then came over and gave me a hug and started crying. "He was really my father and I didn't even know." 

"Yes. He was never aloud to say anything because Dumbledore was stopping him because it would have made Voldemort have more of a chance to get you. That is what he said at least." 
"I thought he hated me this whole time. He was really trying to save me." he started sobbing more. 
"I think that we should go. We still have the Dark Lord to destroy. And I have to find Draco and his parents." 

He nodded and we left the office that was no longer our father's. 

Sorry this took so long to update I was working on other stories. This was making me sad and my music didnt help. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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