Hunting for Horcruxes

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Sorry it has been a little longer since I had last updated. This chapter may be shorter or longer than normal. I just need to think what I am writing about for this chapter. Happy Reading. 

After they had ran into Vernon and Dudley without them noticing that they had even been around, Harry had finally thought about what they should do. 

"Do you think that we should at least look for the real locket?" he asked Hermione as Ron had been happily eating his chicken wings she bought him. "We can't do anything to stop Voldemort until we get that real locket." 

"I think that it makes sense Harry but, the thing is," she said worried. "We have no idea where the real locket is. We can't do anything if we don't even know where it is." she looked at Ron who had almost finished his chicken.

"Yeah I know that. Why don't we at least look for somewhere to stay. For tonight at least," he said while also watching his friend. "That is the only other thing that I am worried about right now since we don't have much of a plan." 

"Yeah, I guess you have a good point about that." she replied. "Why don't we stay at Grimmauld place. You pretty much inherited it so we can go there anytime we need it. And it has many different protection charms on it. It will be safe for us to stay there at least for tonight."

"All right that sounds like a good plan," Ron said as he finished his chicken. "But how are we going to get there?" he looked like he didn't really want to walk such a long way.

"Ronald, we are going to have to walk," Hermione said seriously. "Whether you want to or not it is about our only way to get there without spending money. I already bought you that chicken. How were you able to eat all of that anyway?"

"Hermione," Harry said laughing. "He can eat forever. It is like his stomach has one of those charms to make it go on forever."                                                                                                                               "That is so not true," Ron said looking offended. "Ok never mind it might be partly true. The charm thing isn't true but it does seem like I can eat forever."

They all just started to laugh. 

"Ok. Well that is settled," Harry said standing up from the table they were at. "We are going to stay at 12 Grimmauld place. Now we should probably start heading there if we are going to be walking. Sorry Ron."

Ron groaned while standing up. Hermione hitting him upside the head lightly. "We have to walk whether you want to or not." she said as they started to walk out the building they were at. (It might be more like a sandwich shop that a coffee shop because I doubt a coffee shop would have chicken wings)

*at 12 Grimmauld Place*

"Ugh thank god we are here now. 10 more minutes and I would have thrown up." Ron groaned falling on the grass in the small front yard. 

"This is why you shouldn't have eaten all that chicken," Hermione replied looking down at his body on the lawn. "Now get up or you will be left out here all night." 

Harry laughed as he walked up to the yard where the house started to come between the two on either side. "Yeah you ate what was probably worth a whole chicken. We should cut back on how much chicken we are giving you if this is how it is going to be every time."

They had slept on the couch that night, hoping for answers in the morning. They had been lucky when they had asked Kreacher if he had known anything about the locket he had told them that he had failed to destroy it and that he didn't have it anymore. 

After getting some answers out of Kreacher they had then asked Mundungus Fletcher who had taken the locket. After questioning him as well as threatening him, they had found out where it had been. They were going to have to go to the ministry to get it.

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