Hogwarts without Harry

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Hello Everyone sorry for a long wait. Song is there because I love Josh and it will be kinda good with this chapter. 

This chapter has a very big plot twist, just so you know. couldn't think of a very good title SOOO well it is clearly Hogwarts without Harry there. 

Happy Reading:)

After the death of the headmaster Snape had been there to replace him, only it wasn't the same. He had some big secrets that he had never shared with anyone. And things that Harry really should not know. 

But the time has come. Some big secrets spilled. And he wouldn't know what they were until the Battle of Hogwarts because he didnt go back for his seventh year. 

*At Malfoy Manor ( a few hours before Harry was even there)*

"Why are you wearing those muggle clothes?" Draco had asked someone when they had walked into the Manor. "You weren't trying to find him again were you? You know it isn't safe to go out there." 

He had been talking to a girl with long red hair and greenish-brown eyes. Nobody at Hogwarts but Snape and Draco Malfoy had any idea who she was. She had been sent to Beauxbatons instead. It had been safer for her. 

"I was just going to make sure that he was alright, though I couldn't find him since he is on the run," she replied taking a seat in the chair next to Draco in one of the many living rooms in the Manor. "I however saw Vernon and Dudley Dursley in London. They did not look happy. They don't even know where he is. We can't try and help if we can't even find him."

Draco had looked back down to his book looking worried. "You know that you have to inform me, my mom, or your dad when you go out. Just so we know that you are out there. Where did you go in London anyway?" 

"I went to a coffee shop and then checked out one of their bookshops," she said pulling a book out from her bag. "They have some interesting books if you ask me. They are not all things that you have to use for learning. They have some that make it seem like you are escaping reality." 

Draco looked up at the book she had in her hands. "What is that one about?" he asked clearly seeing that it had been some sort of horror novel. 

(I am choosing the book to be IT because I really like Stephan King and Pennywise is almost like a boggart.) 

"It is about this clown that goes around a small town every 27 years to feed on children. It will turn into anything that they are scared of to make them taste better when he eats them. But there is also this group of kids who try and stop It, they think that they have, but 27 years later they all go back to the town because It is back. They do finish it off when they are an adult though." she explained as Draco was looking at the book curiously.

"That sounds cool," he said laughing. "Is it alright if I read this?" he asked as he nodded happy to see that he was actually wanting to read something that had come from Muggles. 

"Madelynn?" They heard someone ask down the hall. Then seeing Severus and Narcissa walking into the room. "There you are. I was wondering where you went. Are you done packing for Hogwarts?" 

She had been transferring to Hogwarts for her last year. They had really been hoping for Harry to show up that year to meet her in person. The thing that nobody had told him is that he had a sister. Madelynn was his sister. 

"No, sorry I got distracted," she replied and ran to go finish packing her stuff. 

Later that day, Harry had been in the Manor and had been in a duel with the Malfoys and Bellatrix. Madelynn had left with her father to go to Hogwarts to get sorted and into her dorm. 

*weeks later* 

Everyone had freaked out when they had found out about Madelynn. And to hear that she is the daughter of Severus Snape. Nobody knew the true story behind it all. They didn't even have any idea who her mother was. 

Nobody knew about her until the first day of school. When Severus had decided to introduce her to everyone in the great hall. 

"Everyone welcome to another year at Hogwarts," he started to speak out and everyone had quieted down. "I understand that things are going to be much different here this year, but we have to do what we can to keep this school."

Everyone was looking around and whispering about how he seemed to be acting more kind and trying to actually help them through it all. But they were wrong. It had been so that he could introduce Madelynn in a nice way. 

"And now I would like to introduce our new transfer student before we sort the first years." everyone started to whisper some more because they had never heard of a transfer student in the wizarding world. "I will like you all to meet my daughter Madelynn who is coming from Beauxbaton." 

Things went silent for a moment when they saw Madelynn walking to the front of the hall. They all had to let things set in to realize that she was Snape's daughter. When he had told them that she was a Slytherin everyone seemed to stop moving. 

The next few weeks went by and everyone had tried to stay away from Madelynn because they knew she had a higher power from being the daughter of the Headmaster. Even though she was in Slytherin and the daughter of the Headmaster she wouldn't really try to act greater than anyone. 

One day there had been a student picking on another kid in the corridors, Madelynn turning around the corner to find them. Putting the student in detention for trying to beat the other kid up. She would only put kids in detention for things that they deserved to be punished for. 

Many people had started to wonder why she was even in Slytherin. They got to see that she was just as great at potions as her father and mother. Or the fact that she was great at all her classes. Plus got onto the Quidditch team as a beater. (just thought that she was going to be pretty strong so beater would be a good position)

 They also started to wonder who her mother was and what had happened to her. Though none of them actually knew that they had already known who her mother was, what happened, and they also knew her brother. 

They had no idea what was going to happen next or when Harry would come back. They didn't even know when he would get to meet Madelynn. 

SOOO there is the next chapter. Hoped you liked it, I will give a character analysis soon so you can actually understand a bit more.

Sadly I will have to make the Battle soon. and what happens after that 😭😭

hope you are enjoying this story even though i don't have an update schedule. 

Happy reading:)

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