Before the Battle

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Sorry I haven't really been posting much but I am finally back. I also found this video and I think that it works out well with this story. And I have be honest it made me cry. 
Happy Reading:) 

Everyone had been heading to the great hall. Not many people knowing that Harry had been back in the castle. Snape had been having them all go to the great hall to tell them that they needed to inform him if any of them knew about Harry being there and where he had been.  

"Many of you maybe wondering why I have summoned you at this hour." Snape said as everyone stood in their right places. "It has come to my attention that earlier this evening, Harry Potter has been sighted in Hogsmeade." everyone gasped and started whispering. 

"Now, should anyone student or staff, tempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished in manner consistent with the severity of their transgression." everyone was looking around at each other. "Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward will be treated, just as equally guilty. 

"Now than, if anyone here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening, I invite them to step forward now." He had finished talking and it had been quiet for a moment. When there had been someone walking out of the group of Gryffindor's. 

Everyone had noticed that it had been Harry. "It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies you still have a bit of a security problem headmaster." The door of the great hall opened having a big group of people that looked mostly like the Weasley's. I had been told that it was the Order of the Phoenix. 

"I'm afraid it is quite extensive. How dare you stand where he stood. Tell them how it happened that night." Harry started to yell. "Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man that trusted you, and you killed him. Tell them." 

Snape pulled out his wand ready to attack. Professor McGonagall stepping in front of Harry. They had dueled until Snape went flying away out the window. Everyone cheering through it all. Madelynn had been in the crowd of Slytherins. 

"Harry?" she said trying to come out the crowd. Before anyone could notice her girls started screaming. Girls all over the room started to scream then there had been a whispery voice that had been talking to everyone. 

"What are you guys doing. Get him." Pansy started yelling pointing at Harry. Causing all us Slytherins to be put in the dungeon by Filch. Before he could leave Draco had gotten us out. Taking Blaise, Goyle, and I towards the room of requirement. 

(I know that it was still Crabbe and Goyle that had been in the book but right now I am just trying to go off of what I remember and I like Blaise better than Crabbe and Goyle. And sorry I changed the POV I will just have it like that until the end of this chapter.) 

When we had gotten to the door to the room of requirement Harry had already gotten inside. After the school years Draco had usually told me what had happened with the relationship between the two. The last few years they had been dating without anyone knowing about it other than me. 

Going in we ran around until we found him. "Harry!" Draco said running to hug him once he turned to see who it was. 
"Draco what are you doing here?" 

Before they could really talk to each other Goyle got mad and started yelling at Draco. 
"What are you doing. I thought that you were on our side Draco." He fired a spell and the room had caught on fire. 

We all started running while Goyle thought that the smartest idea was to climb up a pile of stuff. We had then got trapped and had to use a couple old brooms sitting right there. Draco riding with Harry and I rode with Blaise. 

While in the air we then saw Goyle fall into the fire. We had just kept going to get to the door. Once there, we tumbled to the ground seeing Hermione and Ron running towards the door at the moment. They stabbed the tiara Harry had grabbed when he was in there, throwing it into the fire in the room as the doors closed. 

"What was that?" I asked as I was catching my breath. 
"That was a Horcrux." Draco replied as he started to get up off the ground. "That was part of Voldemort's soul." 

I noticed Harry on the ground looking like he was in pain and his friends making sure he was in pain. "Snape. I need to go to Snape." 

I am going to leave it at that because that was about the time the battle starts and I don't want it to be a really long chapter. I also made this video for this story:) 

the thing doesn't want to work for me so you can either go to youtube with this link

or you can go to my tik tok with this link

Happy Reading:)

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